OK, so first question: do I need an index function in my Controller? This would call .all method on my Class? Can I do away with this? Would a show function in the Controller suffice? In which case, the function reads as follows?

def show
    @quotation = Quotation.find(params[:id])

And consequently, on the show.html.erb:

<div class="card-category">
<%= @quotations.text %>
    <%= link_to "More ➜", quotation_path%>

Thank you!

3 Answers 3


You can google your type of database to see the best way to select a random record. For example, in postgreSQL...

@quotation = Quotation.order('random()').take

For something database-independent...

@quotation = Quotation.find(Quotation.pluck(:id).sample)

Do I need an index function in my Controller?

No, it is not necessary. But don't forget do delete it from routes if you want to disable it.

  resources :quotes, except: :index

This would call .all method on my Class?

You can do whatever you want.

Can I do away with this?

But if you want it to be in common way, it should respond with many resources.

How do I SHOW a randomised sample of my seeds?

I think the best option would be is to have another controller action for this

def random
  # ...

And a route to your routes.rb.

  get '/quotes/random', to: 'quotes#random'

for the short just use:


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