When a user posts a comment. It stores the comment into the database (Mysql) but the streamProvider is not updating the listview for some reason. I'm able to access the provider and the commentData. But when I post a new comment. through add method. As I said, the listview does not display the new comment which has been sent to the database.

class CommentModel {
    final int reportId;
    final String text;

    const CommentModel(this.reportId, this.text);
class CommentProvider {
  Stream<List<CommentModel>> intStream(int reportId) {
    return Stream.fromFuture(getComments(reportId));

  Future<List<CommentModel>> getComments(int reportId) async {
    final comments = await _fetchComments(reportId);
    final List<CommentModel> messages = List<CommentModel>();
    for (int i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
      messages.add(CommentModel(reportId, comments[i]["text"])));

    return messages;

  Future<void> add(CommentModel data) async {
    await _postComment(data.reportId, data.text);
    providers: [
        ChangeNotifierProvider<CommentProvider>(create: (_) => CommentProvider()),
                create: (_) => CommentProvider().intStream(int.tryParse(reportData["id"])),
                initialData: null,
    child: CardCommentWidget(
        reportId: int.tryParse(reportData["id"]),
final commentData = Provider.of<List<CommentModel>>(context);
    key: PageStorageKey("commentsScroll"),
    shrinkWrap: true,
    itemCount: commentData.length,
    itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        final comment = commentData[index];
        return Text(comment.text);

1 Answer 1


Looks like you simply convert the out put of the getComments method to a stream. Meaning when you call the intStream method you will get a stream which only emits the results of the getComments method once. There is nothing letting the stream know that more items are added.

I can't guess what kind of database you are using to back this up and which "streaming" capabilities it has but someone needs to let your stream know that a new item has been added. One way to solve this would be something like this:

  1. Declare a StreamController which will act as stream and sink;
  2. In the intStream method, initialize the StreamController with the outcome of the getComments method and return the stream of the StreamController;
  3. After saving the comment to the database, add the comment to the StreamController.

In code this could look something like this:

class CommentProvider {
  final StreamController<List<CommentModel>> _streamController;

  Stream<List<CommentModel>> intStream(int reportId) {
    // Initialize a new instance of the StreamController
    // and emit each comment when someone starts listening
    // to the stream.
    if (_streamController == null) {
      _streamController = StreamController<List<CommentModel>>
          onListen: () async => await getComments(reportId),
          onErrror: (error) { 
            // Handle error here... 

    return _streamController.stream;

  Future<List<CommentModel>> getComments(int reportId) async {
    final comments = await _fetchComments(reportId);
    final List<CommentModel> messages = List<CommentModel>();
    for (int i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
      messages.add(CommentModel(reportId, comments[i]["text"])));

    return messages;

  Future<void> add(CommentModel data) async {
    await _postComment(data.reportId, data.text);

    // Emit the updated list containing the added 
    // comment on the stream.
    if (_streamController != null) {
      final comments = await getComments(data.reportId);


This above code is an example and should work. You might need to tweak it a little bit as mentioned in the comments that are part of the code example. And like I mentioned some databases directly support streaming (e.g. Firebase) which directly return the result of a query as a stream and will automatically add items to the stream when they are added to the database and match the query criteria. I couldn't deduce this from your code though.

Some reading material on working with the StreamController class can be found here:


I updated the logic in the add method to make sure the _streamController if not null.


Updated the code to return a stream emitting lists of comments, so we can better facilitate the ListView class.

  • Hello, Thank you for helping me. Some problem have occured such as add throwing now null error.
    – Printer
    Dec 7, 2020 at 13:59
  • 1
    @printer, you are correct. I forgot to check if the _streamController is initialized before calling the add function on it. This could happen when calling add before initializing the StreamController using the intStream method. In these cases we can simply ignore calling add on the _streamController since we know nobody is listening anyway. Dec 7, 2020 at 14:43
  • Cheers man, now there is no null error. But i have a question, since initStream is not returning a list of comments. How can i access all the comments in my Listview.builder. (I use Mysql as database)
    – Printer
    Dec 7, 2020 at 14:56
  • @Printer, you are right it would be better to return a list of comments in this case, so I updated to code sample to return a list instead of individual items. The only disadvantage now is that when you add an item you will fetch the comments from the database again. Dec 7, 2020 at 16:14
  • Cheers mate, i think i have a clear picture how it works now :)
    – Printer
    Dec 7, 2020 at 17:00

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