I need to simulate Poisson wait times. I've found many examples of simulating the number of arrivals, but I need to simulate the wait time for one arrival, given an average wait time.

I keep finding code like this:

public int getPoisson(double lambda) 
    double L = Math.exp(-lambda);   
    double p = 1.0;   
    int k = 0;   

        p *= rand.nextDouble(); 
        p *= Math.random(); 
    } while (p > L);   

    return k - 1; 

but that is for number of arrivals, not arrival times.

Efficieny is preferred to accuracy, more because of power consumption than time. The language I am working in is Java, and it would be best if the algorithm only used methods available in the Random class, but this is not required.


2 Answers 2


Time between arrivals is an exponential distribution, and you can generate a random variable X~exp(lambda) with the formula:

-ln(U)/lambda` (where U~Uniform[0,1]). 

More info on generating exponential variable.

Note that time between arrival also matches time until first arrival, because exponential distribution is memoryless.

  • Thanks, but something isn't right; When I call this with 1/100, I get values of Infinity every time. The code is public static double waitingTime(double lambda) { return -Math.log(rand.nextDouble())/lambda; } Shouldn't it be valid to say that less than one arrival is expected per unit time? Or do I put in 1 and multiply by the expected wait time?
    – Alex
    Commented Jun 29, 2011 at 21:42
  • @Alex: I am only 99% sure, but I think in exponential distribution, lamda is number of occurences per time unit, if you have your average waiting time, you should set lamda=1/average waiting time, could that be the problem?
    – amit
    Commented Jun 29, 2011 at 21:43
  • 1
    Nevermind, I always make this mistake. I called the method with 1/100 instead of 1.0/100.0 This answer works. Thank you so much, I've been reading stackoverflow for a long time, and this is my first time posting, and I'm amazed at how fast and accurate your answer was.
    – Alex
    Commented Jun 29, 2011 at 21:47

If you want to simulate earthquakes, or lightning or critters appearing on a screen, the usual method is to assume a Poisson Distribution with an average arrival rate λ.

The easier thing to do is to simulate inter-arrivals:

With a Poisson distribution, the arrivals get more likely as time passes. It corresponds to the cumulative distribution for that probability density function. The expected value of a Poisson-distributed random variable is equal to λ and so is its variance. The simplest way is to 'sample' the cumulative distribution which has an exponential form (e)^-λt which gives t = -ln(U)/λ. You choose a uniform random number U and plug in the formula to get the time that should pass before the next event. Unfortunately, because U usually belongs to [0,1[ that could cause issues with the log, so it's easier to avoid it by using t= -ln(1-U)/λ.

Sample code can be found at the link below.


  • Hi, I need to generate random numbers in Poisson interval rate using java.. I tried using your function and method poissonRandomInterarrivalDelay always returns zero for any value of lambda.
    – Learner
    Commented May 15, 2013 at 18:16

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