I am trying to generate a Stream value in a monadic context. For example, the following code hangs in Idris (or segfaults):

import Control.Monad.State

count : State Int (Stream Int)
count = do
      x <- get
      put (x+1)
      t <- count
      pure (x :: t)

stream : List Int
stream = take 10 (evalState count 0)

However, similar code works in Haskell, using the lazy state monad:

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

count :: State Int [Int]
count = do
      x <- get
      put (x+1)
      t <- count
      return (x : t)

stream :: [Int]
stream = take 10 (evalState count 0)

This is probably because of lazy pattern matching used in the bind operation of the state monad in Haskell. Is there something similar in Idris?

  • 1
    You would probably have to make your own lazy state monad. Idris has Lazy and Inf. Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 3:30


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