I am using USA/state map fusionchart so when I clicked any USA state it will trigger a new bar chart in another section and vice versa the data filter each time when I clicked any chart either world map or bar chart I know we can use event listener but here my concern is how data filter in another section suppose when I clicked any chart other chart data also filter or trigger.Below I have attached screenshot where left side image i.e USA Map when I cliked any state other bar chart data will trigger on right sideenter image description here

const dataset = [
    id: "HI",
    value: "3189000",
    //link: "j-drillDownState-HI|Hawaii",
    link: "Detailed/TotalSales.html",
    alpha: "100",

    usehovercolor: "1",
    showtooltip: "1",
    id: "DC",
    value: "2879000",
    link: "Detailed/TotalSales.html",
    id: "MD",
    value: "33592000",
    link: "j-drillDownState-MD|Maryland",
    id: "DE",
    value: "4607000",
    link: "j-drillDownState-DE|Delaware",
    id: "RI",
    value: "4890000",
    link: "j-drillDownState-RI|Rhode Island",
    id: "WA",
    value: "34927000",
    link: "j-drillDownState-WA|Washington",
const chartConfigs = {
  type: "maps/usa", // The chart type
  id: "data-plot-click-mouse-event",
  width: "500", // Width of the chart
  height: "400", // Height of the chart
  dataFormat: "json", // Data type
  dataSource: {
    // Map Configuration
    chart: {
      numbersuffix: "%",
      includevalueinlabels: "1",
      labelsepchar: ": ",
      entityFillHoverColor: "#FFF9C4",
      theme: "fusion",
      color: "red",
    events: {
      dataPlotClick: function (e) {
        var infoElem = document.getElementById("infolbl");
        var index = e.data.dataIndex;
        infoElem.innerHTML =
          "The average value from <b>" +
          e.data.startText +
          "</b> to <b>" +
          e.data.endText +
          "</b> is <b>" +
          Math.round(e.data.binValue * 100) / 100 +

    events: {
      // Attach to beforeInitialize
      initialized: function () {
        console.log("Initialized mychart...");

    data: dataset,
class Map extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      actualValue: "Hover on the plot to see the value along with the label",
      message: "Hover on the plot to see the value along with the label",

    this.dataplotrollover = this.dataplotrollover.bind(this);
    this.dataplotrollout = this.dataplotrollout.bind(this);

  dataplotrollover(eventObj, dataObj) {
      message: [
        "You are currently hovering over ",
        " whose value is ",

  dataplotrollout(eventObj, dataObj) {
      message: this.state.actualValue,
  render() {
    return (

        {console.log("map", this.state.message)}

export default Map

2 Answers 2


In FusionCharts you can easily update the chart/ map data on triggering the respective click events . For charts, you need to use the "dataplotClick" event API and for maps use the "entityClick " ëvent API. In the event callbacks you need to use the "setJSONData()" method to update the chart/ map data.

Reference sample in react: https://codesandbox.io/s/setjsondata-sample-wojt5?file=/src/index.js

Documentation Links:-




Srishti Jaiswal


You can refer to the below dashboard where clicking on a map entity updates other chart's data. You can also download it's source code for reference. You have to implement the business logic accordingly.

Documentation Links:-

Dashboard: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dashboards/wealth-management-dashboard


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