The foreground color of some text in my VS Code sidebar is randomly darkened out. Often, these files are files I am actively working with, and it's very difficult to navigate.

I am currently using FireFly Pro Midnight, and the only customization I have is a change to the foreground color to brighten it. The issue occurs whether I change the foreground color or not.

Does anyone know of a good way to change this coloring or the reason it is dimming out certain file names?

Darkened Text

My Only Customization

1 Answer 1


This might not be your solution, but here's what worked for me. I had the Git color status activated in my sidebar, so the title of modified files were displayed as dark blue, untracked files as dark green, and ignored files (listed in .gitignore) as almost grayish-transparent.

The ignored files were the one causing the problem, so here's the fix using theme color customization.

Go to Preferences > Open Settings (JSON), then add this custom block:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "gitDecoration.ignoredResourceForeground": "#949494" // dark gray, but not faded

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