Here's a GitHub Actions workflow file for a Python project named spam:

name: PyInstaller



    needs: create_release

        os: [ ubuntu-latest, windows-latest ]

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

      ARTIFACT_PATH: dist/spam.zip
      ARTIFACT_NAME: spam-${{ runner.os }}.zip

When this runs, the workflow fails at startup with this:

The workflow is not valid. [...]: 
Unrecognized named-value: 'runner'. Located at position 1 within expression: runner.os

I'm attempting to use the os attribute of the runner context. This SO Q&A mentions that the env context can only be used in specific places, so I suspect something similar is happening here. However, I can't find any official documentation addressing this.

Is there any way to reference the runner context to set an environment variable within the env clause of a job, as shown above?

I'm looking for a way to set the environment variable for all steps in the job, so an env inside a step item won't do. The workaround I've got for now is to add a step specifically to set environment variables:

  - name: Setup environment
    run: |
      echo "ARTIFACT_NAME=spam-${{ runner.os }}.zip" >> $GITHUB_ENV

however this only works on the Linux runner.

1 Answer 1


If you scroll down a bit further in the GitHub Actions docs you linked, there's an example workflow printing different contexts to the log.

- name: Dump runner context
          RUNNER_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(runner) }}

I set up a test repo with a workflow demonstration:

on: push

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
          - 'ubuntu-latest'
          - 'windows-latest'
          - 'macos-latest'
      - name: Dump runner context
          RUNNER_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(runner) }}
        run: echo "$RUNNER_CONTEXT"
      - name: Get runner OS
          RUNNER_OS: ${{ runner.os }}
        run: echo "$RUNNER_OS"
      - name: Create file with runner OS in name
          OS_FILENAME: 'spam-${{ runner.os }}.zip'
        run: |
          echo "OS_FILENAME=spam-${{ runner.os }}.zip" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          touch "./${{ env.OS_FILENAME }}"
          touch blah.txt
      - name: List created file
        run: ls -l "./${{ env.OS_FILENAME }}"

It looks like you can also set and access env in steps, and those persist across workflow steps. For example, I set the environment variable $OS_FILENAME in step 3 using the echo syntax, and reference it in step 4. This works across all the OS options offered on GitHub Actions.

Note that the GitHub Actions docs state that "Environment variables must be explicitly referenced using the env context in expression syntax or through use of the $GITHUB_ENV file directly; environment variables are not implicitly available in shell commands.". Basically, it means you can't implicitly refer to env variables like $FOO and instead must refer to them as ${{ env.FOO }} in shell commands.

So for your scenario, does it satisfy your requirements if you set $ARTIFACT_NAME in the first step of the job? I wonder if the reason might be that the runner context isn't created until the first step - I'm not sure I have a way of testing this.

  • Good catch @RuudHelderman, I just modified my workflow to create another dummy file and as you said, the ls -l command indeed has an empty arg :( . I'm going to retry some stuff, as I've definitely written to an env variable in a previous step and used that var in a subsequent step in some workflows I've made.
    – jidicula
    Nov 18, 2021 at 15:19
  • 1
    @RuudHelderman I've updated my answer to a correct implementation that persists environment variables across steps. The docs also have a minimal reproducible example.
    – jidicula
    Nov 18, 2021 at 15:44

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