Example, I get the pixel value

from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("Lenna.png")
cordinate = x, y = 150, 59
# using getpixel method 
print (im.getpixel(cordinate));

output: (206, 92, 94)

How can I convert (206, 92, 94) into one integer value (in Python)?

Just like the function GetRGB(x,y) in Java and convert it back(integer value --> RGB --> setRGB value into image).

  • Your linked article explained the conversions rather well. What have you tried so far to implement it?
    – Klaus D.
    Jan 23, 2021 at 12:07

2 Answers 2


You can use struct.

import struct
//(170, 187, 204)

rgb = (50,100,150)

If you don't want to use the struct module, you can perform the calculations yourself:

def rgb2int(rgb): return (rgb[0]<<16)+(rgb[1]<<8)+rgb[2]
def int2rgb(N):   return (N>>16,(N>>8)%256,N%256)

rgb = (206,92,94)

print(rgb2int(rgb))      # 13524062
print(int2rgb(13524062)) # (206, 92, 94)

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