I am trying to read some text fields from an IFC format file, and all of them seem to be hexadecimal. (the result may be some russian text).

I could find different posts describing how to convert to Ascii, and found also an answer on how to convert from hexadecimal to string for unicode, here is the code given :

public static string FromHexString(string hexString)
    var bytes = new byte[hexString.Length / 2];
    for (var i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
        bytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(hexString.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);

    return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes); // returns: "Hello world" for "48656C6C6F20776F726C64"

But it's not working for me, using this function, here is the result I got : enter image description here

The original string looks like that \X2\0420043504310440043E\X0\. I don't know what the \X2\ and \X0\ mean, but I guess (wrong?) it is specific to IFC format to define the coding???

  • Sadly there is little "free" documentation about the "ISO 10303-21:2002 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure"
    – xanatos
    Jan 26, 2021 at 8:39
  • Mmmmh steptools.com/stds/step/IS_final_p21e3.html section 6.4.3 String
    – xanatos
    Jan 26, 2021 at 8:42
  • @xanatos thanks for the link, it answers to the \X2` and \X0` question. Just read again the link, if I understood good, the problem is I read the hex considering 2 bytes for one character, and it may be not 2 but 4, right? Jan 26, 2021 at 8:48

1 Answer 1


The encoding is using Big Endian Unicode:

return Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(bytes);

Tested with your string and with a test case from http://www.steptools.com/stds/step/IS_final_p21e3.html

Note that the whole IFC format is quite complex. It would take me at least 2-4 hours to write a full decoder supporting the various \S\(something), \P(something)\, \X2\(hex), \X4\(hex), \X\(hex) (plus the ending \X0\). There is even a problem in the documentation about the \X4\ examples (that are given with 7 hex digits instead of 8 hex digits), and it seems that the whole file should be UTF-8 encoded outside the escape sequences.

Aaaaand done:

Some tests:

// With .NET Core/.NET 5.0 you'll need the nuget 
// https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.Text.Encoding.CodePages/
// And this line
// Nothing is needed with .NET Framework

string strExampleUnquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"\X2\0420043504310440043E\X0\");

string str1Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"CAT");
string str2Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"Don''t");
string str3Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"''");
string str4Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"");
string str5Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"\S\Drger");
string str6Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"h\S\ttel");
string str7Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"\PE\\S\*\S\U\S\b");
string str8Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"\X2\03C0\X0\");
string str9Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"\X2\03B103B203B3\X0\");
string str10Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"\X4\0001F600\X0\");
string str11Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"\X4\0001F6000001F638\X0\");
string str12Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"see \X\A7 4.1");
string str13Unquoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"line one\X\0Aline two");

string str1Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'CAT'", true);
string str2Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'Don''t'", true);
string str3Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"''''", true);
string str4Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"''", true);
string str5Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'\S\Drger'", true);
string str6Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'h\S\ttel'", true);
string str7Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'\PE\\S\*\S\U\S\b'", true);
string str8Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'\X2\03C0\X0\'", true);
string str9Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'\X2\03B103B203B3\X0\'", true);
string str10Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'\X4\0001F600\X0\'", true);
string str11Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'\X4\0001F6000001F638\X0\'", true);
string str12Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'see \X\A7 4.1'", true);
string str13Quoted = ItfStringDecoder.DecodeItfString(@"'line one\X\0Aline two'", true);

And the decoder:

public class ItfStringDecoder
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bytes"></param>
    /// <param name="quoted">true = 'XYZ', false = XYZ</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string DecodeItfString(byte[] bytes, bool quoted = false)
        return DecodeItfString(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes), quoted);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="str"></param>
    /// <param name="quoted">true = 'XYZ', false = XYZ</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string DecodeItfString(string str, bool quoted = false)
        // We start with iso-8859-1 that is null
        Encoding encoding = null;

        int start = 0;
        int end = str.Length - 1;

        if (quoted)
            if (!str.StartsWith('\''))
                throw new FormatException("Malformed string, non starting with \"'\"");

            if (!str.EndsWith('\''))
                throw new FormatException("Malformed string, non ending with \"'\"");

            start = 1;
            end = str.Length - 2;

        var sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
            char ch0 = str[i];

            if (ch0 == '\'')
                if (i + 1 > end || str[i + 1] != '\'')
                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"'\" not followed by \"'\" at position {i}");

            else if (ch0 == '\\')
                if (i + 1 > end)
                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

                char ch1 = str[i + 1];

                switch (ch1)
                    case '\\':
                    case 'S':
                        i += DecodeItfStringPage(str, i, end, sb, encoding);
                    case 'P':
                        i += DecodeItfStringAlphabet(str, i, end, out encoding);
                    case 'X':
                        i += DecodeItfStringExtendedOrArbitary(str, i, end, sb);
                        throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\\" followed by illegal character at position {i}");


        return sb.ToString();

    private static int DecodeItfStringPage(string str, int i, int end, StringBuilder sb, Encoding encoding)
        if (i + 3 > end || str[i + 2] != '\\')
            throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\S\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

        char ch3 = str[i + 3];

        // Latin codepoint
        if (ch3 == ' ' ||
            (ch3 >= '0' && ch3 <= '9') ||
            (ch3 >= 'a' && ch3 <= 'z') ||
            (ch3 >= 'A' && ch3 <= 'Z') ||
            ch3 == '_' ||
            ch3 == '!' || ch3 == '"' || ch3 == '*' || ch3 == '$' || ch3 == '%' || ch3 == '&' || ch3 == '.' || ch3 == '#' ||
            ch3 == '+' || ch3 == ',' || ch3 == '-' || ch3 == '(' || ch3 == ')' || ch3 == '?' || ch3 == '/' || ch3 == ':' ||
            ch3 == ';' || ch3 == '<' || ch3 == '=' || ch3 == '>' || ch3 == '@' || ch3 == '[' || ch3 == ']' || ch3 == '{' ||
            ch3 == '|' || ch3 == '}' || ch3 == '^' || ch3 == '`' || ch3 == '~' ||
            ch3 == '\\' || ch3 == '\'')
            // ok
            throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\S\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

        // Little cheat for iso-8859-1
        if (encoding == null)
            // The iso-8859-1 encoding maps 1:1 with the first 256 unicode codepoints
            sb.Append((char)(ch3 + 128));
            // Without array allocation (this is allocated on the stack)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes = stackalloc byte[] { (byte)(ch3 + 128) };
            // Classic with array
            //var bytes = new byte[] { (byte)(ch3 + 128) };

        return 3;

    private static int DecodeItfStringAlphabet(string str, int i, int end, out Encoding encoding)
        if (i + 3 > end || str[i + 3] != '\\')
            throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\P\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

        char ch2 = str[i + 2];

        if (ch2 < 'A' || ch2 > 'I')
            throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\P\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

        int ix = ch2 - 'A';

        // We don't need an encoder for iso-8859-1
        // and 28591 is iso-8859-1, 28592 is iso-8859-2...
        encoding = ix == 0 ? null : Encoding.GetEncoding(28591 + ix);

        return 3;

    private static int DecodeItfStringExtendedOrArbitary(string str, int i, int end, StringBuilder sb)
        if (i + 4 > end)
            throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

        char ch2 = str[i + 2];

        if (ch2 == '\\')
            byte b1, b2;

            if (!TryFromHex(str[i + 3], out b1) || !TryFromHex(str[i + 4], out b2))
                throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X\\\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

            byte b = (byte)(b1 * 16 + b2);

            return 4;

        if (ch2 == '2')
            if (str[i + 3] != '\\')
                throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X2\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

            int j = i + 4;

            while (true)
                if (j + 3 > end)
                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X2\" not followed by legal sequence of characters at position {j}");

                byte b1, b2, b3, b4;

                if (!TryFromHex(str[j], out b1) || !TryFromHex(str[j + 1], out b2) ||
                    !TryFromHex(str[j + 2], out b3) || !TryFromHex(str[j + 3], out b4))
                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X2\\\" not followed by legal character at position {j}");

                char ch = (char)(b1 << 12 | b2 << 8 | b3 << 4 | b4);

                j += 4;

                if (j + 3 > end)
                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X2\" not followed by legal sequence of characters at position {j}");

                if (str[j] == '\\')
                    if (str[j + 1] == 'X' && str[j + 2] == '0' && str[j + 3] == '\\')
                        j += 3;
                        return j - i;

                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X2\" not followed by legal sequence of characters at position {j}");

        if (ch2 == '4')
            if (str[i + 3] != '\\')
                throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X4\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

            int j = i + 4;

            while (true)
                if (j + 7 > end)
                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X4\" not followed by legal sequence of characters at position {j}");

                int utf32;

                    byte b1, b2, b3, b4;

                    if (!TryFromHex(str[j], out b1) || !TryFromHex(str[j + 1], out b2) ||
                        !TryFromHex(str[j + 2], out b3) || !TryFromHex(str[j + 3], out b4))
                        throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X4\\\" not followed by legal character at position {j}");

                    utf32 = b1 << 12 | b2 << 8 | b3 << 4 | b4;
                    utf32 <<= 16;

                    j += 4;

                    byte b1, b2, b3, b4;

                    if (!TryFromHex(str[j], out b1) || !TryFromHex(str[j + 1], out b2) ||
                        !TryFromHex(str[j + 2], out b3) || !TryFromHex(str[j + 3], out b4))
                        throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X4\\\" not followed by legal character at position {j}");

                    utf32 |= b1 << 12 | b2 << 8 | b3 << 4 | b4;

                    j += 4;


                if (j + 3 > end)
                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X4\" not followed by legal sequence of characters at position {j}");

                if (str[j] == '\\')
                    if (str[j + 1] == 'X' && str[j + 2] == '0' && str[j + 3] == '\\')
                        j += 3;
                        return j - i;

                    throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X4\" not followed by legal sequence of characters at position {j}");

        throw new FormatException($"Malformed string, \"\\X\" not followed by legal character at position {i}");

    private static bool TryFromHex(char ch, out byte value)
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
            value = (byte)(ch - '0');
            return true;
        else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
            value = (byte)(10 + ch - 'A');
            return true;
        else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
            value = (byte)(10 + ch - 'a');
            return true;

        value = 0;
        return false;
  • Yes in fact, it is a big job I guess, until now I only had french versions, but I have been given a Russian format so I try to "adapt" the code... It seems you have an experience about it already, may I ask, the encoding can be different for each country? How can I know the encoding that is used? You said Big Endian (and you're right), but I see nothing about Big Endian in the link you gave me Jan 26, 2021 at 9:01
  • 1
    @Siegfried.V I have 0 experience with IFC, but I'm quite experienced with Google, and I know something about encodings... And I simply tested for Big Endian because I know someone uses it. It was a hunch. When you have inter-system communication, the endianness is the first thing to check. Note that the example about \X4\ in the link are borked. The text says "\X4\" shall be followed by multiples of eight hexadecimal characters but the examples uses only 7 hex chars. And they seem to be UT32 Big Endian (new UTF32Encoding(true /*bigEndian*/, false /*byteOrderMark*/))
    – xanatos
    Jan 26, 2021 at 9:09
  • great job anyway, in fact I have around 0 experience in encoding, and I think that part will not be easy, thanks for your great help (and for the link) Jan 26, 2021 at 9:14
  • 1
    @Siegfried.V I was very bored this morning, so I wrote the full decoder, with full support for all the "things" of the itf specification
    – xanatos
    Jan 26, 2021 at 12:11
  • 1
    @Siegfried.V By my reading of the Itf specification (steptools.com/stds/step/IS_final_p21e3.html), your string is malformed. I quote "Within a string, a single reverse solidus "\" shall be encoded as two reverse solidi "\\"." Your solution is correct if you want to handle this type of malformed strings.
    – xanatos
    Feb 8, 2022 at 9:48

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