
I have a QTableWidget, which allows changing the data in a table while the program is running. I would like to know in which row and column the data was changed. There is a default signal cellChanged(int row, int column) but I dont know how to receive the row and column values in a custom slot.

Is there a way to do that?

1 Answer 1


For anyone wondering, you need to connect the signal to SLOT using lambda. For example:

self.ui.TW.cellChanged.connect(lambda row, column: on_cellChanged(row, column))

This passes on the value emmited by signal to the slot.

  • Using a lambda like this doesn't make a lot of sense. It's useless, as it's exactly the same as doing self.ui.TW.cellChanged.connect(on_cellChanged). Jan 27, 2021 at 10:40

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