I created a linear congruential generator (LCG), but it appears to give me the wrong output.
// Instance variables
private long currentRandomNumber;
private long a;
private long c;
private long m;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// perform calculations and tests here
final long seed = 99L;
// Java's java.util.Random class values (according to Wikipedia):
long a = 25214903917L;
long c = 11L;
long m = 2^48L;
LCG lcg = new LCG(a, c, m, seed);
System.out.println("Sequence of LCG class: " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom());
public LCG(long seed, long a, long c, long m) {
currentRandomNumber = seed;
this.a = a;
this.c = c;
this.m = m;
// Implementation of the recurrence relation of the generator
public long nextRandom() {
currentRandomNumber = (a * currentRandomNumber + c) % m;
return currentRandomNumber;
The output I get is:
Sequence of LCG class: 28, 61, 28, 61, 28
I used these values of a,c and m because I read that the java.util.Random class uses these values too. But usage of this class with the same seed gives different answers. I also checked with other lcg calculators and my answers do not match these either. I have no idea what went wrong.
is suspicious. Why don't you just type50