I created a linear congruential generator (LCG), but it appears to give me the wrong output.

// Instance variables 
private long currentRandomNumber;
private long a;
private long c;
private long m;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // perform calculations and tests here
    final long seed = 99L;
    // Java's java.util.Random class values (according to Wikipedia):
    long a = 25214903917L;
    long c = 11L;
    long m = 2^48L;
    LCG lcg = new LCG(a, c, m, seed);
    System.out.println("Sequence of LCG    class: " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom() + ", " + lcg.nextRandom());

public LCG(long seed, long a, long c, long m) {
    currentRandomNumber = seed;
    this.a = a;
    this.c = c;
    this.m = m;

// Implementation of the recurrence relation of the generator
public long nextRandom() {
    currentRandomNumber = (a * currentRandomNumber + c) % m;
    return currentRandomNumber;

The output I get is:

Sequence of LCG    class: 28, 61, 28, 61, 28

I used these values of a,c and m because I read that the java.util.Random class uses these values too. But usage of this class with the same seed gives different answers. I also checked with other lcg calculators and my answers do not match these either. I have no idea what went wrong.

  • 3
    the way you call constructor is different from the way it is defined ("a, c, m, seed" vs. "long seed, long a, long c, long m")
    – mangusta
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 14:53
  • 2^48 is suspicious. Why don't you just type 50?
    – user202729
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 15:24
  • Thanks, but after I matched the order I still get the wrong output. Now I get 44, 9, 14, 49, 44
    – Wilko
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 15:32
  • Please accept the answer or leave a comment for rejection.
    – ghchoi
    Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 1:54

1 Answer 1


LCG Requires a Big Modulus

One of the key of Linear congruential generator is that m should be big enough. Or, you quickly find repeated sub-sequences because modulo operation always generates repeated sub-sequences for any arithmetic progressions. If big enough, however, a repeated sub-sequence itself would be very long so it would not seem repeated.


long m = 2^48L;

is 50. ^ does not do what you expect. It's 2 XOR 48 instead of 2 to the power of 48. So use

long m = 1L << 48;  // or (long) Math.pow(2, 48)

instead. Then you will get

Sequence of LCG    class: 2496275487794, 103243855293781, 72264694917948, -37076138618729, -26695784318378

Why Not Exactly the Same with java.util.Random

In my experience, implementations almost always come with heuristics. Here is re-implementation of your code with those heuristics used by OpenJDK 15 to generate nextInteger according to openjdk / jdk15. Especially according to lines from 198 to 206.

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

class LCG {
    private AtomicLong currentRandomNumber;
    //private long a;
    //private long c;
    //private long m;

    private int bits = 32;
    private long addend = 0xBL;              // your `c` is here!
    private long mask = (1L << 48) - 1;      // your `m` is here!
    private long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL;  // your `a` is here!

    public LCG(long seed, long a, long c, long m) {
        currentRandomNumber = new AtomicLong((seed ^ multiplier) & mask);
        //this.a = a;
        //this.c = c;
        //this.m = m;

    public long nextRandom() {
        long oldseed, nextseed;
        AtomicLong seed = this.currentRandomNumber;
        do {
            oldseed = seed.get();
            nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
        } while (!seed.compareAndSet(oldseed, nextseed));
        return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits));  // your `m` is here again

public class main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long seed = 99L;

        long a = 25214903917L;
        long c = 11L;
        long m = (long) Math.pow(2, 48);

        LCG lcg = new LCG(seed, a, c, m);
        Random random = new Random(seed);


You will see lcg.nextRandom() and random.nextInt() generate the same integers if you compile the code using OpenJDK 15. While re-implementing, I found that an older OpenJDK uses different heuristics.

  • Thanks, this does indeed solve my problem. I have one follow up question though. I read somewhere that the numbers I use are the same as the java.util.Random class uses, but when I print them next to each other they differ. How is this possible? I have tried this with Random.nextInt() as well as Random.nextLong().
    – Wilko
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 18:39
  • @Wilko I made an edit. If you have hacker's mind, just hack it. Please check the edit and accept it. :)
    – ghchoi
    Commented Jan 28, 2021 at 1:37
  • @Wilko Thank you too buddy :)
    – ghchoi
    Commented Jan 30, 2021 at 15:34

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