I read a lot of about multiprocessing, threading but still i have problem with simple thing. I have 2 functions. I want call one by another and move one (this called function can't slow me up).


def main():
    print("my operations")
    Thread(target=child(), args=()).start()
    print("rest operations")

def child():
    #here are some operations that takes 3 seconds
    print("background operations")

The point is that operations from child function can not slow me down. I want to just call that function and move on. So I want output like that:

my operations
rest operations
background operations

But doing this using Thread(target=child(), args=()).start() looks like

my operations
#then call child function wait 3 seconds
background operations
rest operations

There is and option to do what I want ?

  • sleep stops THE ENTIRE PROGRAM not just the thread it was called on. as an alternative you can use async programming
    – Nullman
    Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 9:02
  • this sleep is just for showing the problem I will edit it. @Nullman look now
    – KyluAce
    Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 9:03

2 Answers 2


When you do

Thread(target=child(), args=()).start()

you are calling child on the main thread, and then passing the result as the target! You want to pass the child function itself, not the result of calling it:

Thread(target=child, args=()).start()
  • so how should I do that ?
    – KyluAce
    Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 9:30
  • 1
    Lite i showed you; target=child, not target=child(). Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 10:33
  • sorry i didn't noticed difference.
    – KyluAce
    Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 10:38

python threads are not concurrent, at least not in CPython, because of the GIL(Global Interperter Lock). Threads will run one at a time and will switch between themselves according to several rules, like waiting for IO (like a web request for instance) or if the thread has been running for too long (15ms iirc).
You don't really have a good way to force a thread switch so its not as simple to demonstrate race conditions the way you are trying to do it. Here is a nice blog post talking about it with some examples

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