I am now using a framework (vite) that injects environment variables into import.meta.env.

I was previously able to create a file env.d.ts to provide types to process.env

declare global {
  namespace NodeJS {
    interface ProcessEnv {
      GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN: string;
      NODE_ENV: 'development' | 'production';
      PORT?: string;
      PWD: string;

I've tried the following but does not work.

declare global {
  namespace NodeJS {
    interface ImportMeta {
      GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN: string;
      NODE_ENV: 'development' | 'production';
      PORT?: string;
      PWD: string;

10 Answers 10


I had similar problems and solved it by


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ESNext",
    "types": ["vite/client"]

Have vite installed as a dev dependency.

  • Works with target as es5 too
    – Alex Lord
    Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 19:32

It's documented here: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-9.html#support-for-importmeta

So you're almost there:

interface ImportMeta {
  env: {
    GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN: string;
    NODE_ENV: 'development' | 'production';
    PORT?: string;
    PWD: string;

But be aware that in vite all environment variables have to be prefixed with VITE_ so neither of those environment variables are available in the application.

  • I'm getting ts error which I'm not sure how to fix - All declarations of 'env' must have identical modifiers.
    – hangc
    Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 2:03
  • 1
    Interesting, it's working for me, but I'm still using vite 1.0, maybe this changed with the new vite version 2.0 (I'm actually pretty sure that this might be the issue: github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/…)? Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 16:14
  • 2
    The "modifier" the error is talking about it probably readonly which is missing here.
    – CherryDT
    Commented Feb 4, 2022 at 20:47

I got it to work by using the following -

interface ImportMetaEnv {
  VITE_PORT?: string;
  VITE_AUTH_TOKEN?: string;
  • 1
    Can you shed some light?, like how does env.d.ts be provided to process.env, do you just create the file or do you have to tell vite to load it somewhere?
    – simultsop
    Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 7:20
  • @mentorgashi Only the .d.ts file is needed. There is no need to configure vite
    – hangc
    Commented Mar 22, 2021 at 3:09
  • 1
    I've followed the docs which propose a very similar approach. Did you also have the issue with 'ImportMeta' is defined but never used.eslintno-unused-vars.? How can I solve it? Commented Jan 18, 2022 at 20:48

According to the documentation here https://vitejs.dev/guide/env-and-mode.html#intellisense you can do the following:

// env.d.ts
interface ImportMetaEnv extends Readonly<Record<string, string>> {
  readonly VITE_APP_TITLE: string
  // more env variables...

interface ImportMeta {
  readonly env: ImportMetaEnv
  • 1
    Did you come across an eslint error 'ImportMeta' is defined but never used. eslint(no-unused-vars)? How to solve that? Commented Jan 18, 2022 at 20:53
  • 1
    The URL to this documentation has been updated. Further, env.d.ts should be placed in your src/ directory.
    – lukeic
    Commented May 13, 2022 at 2:59

The URL to this documentation linked to in the answer above has been updated.

Further, env.d.ts should be placed in your src/ directory and you need a reference string at the top of the file.

A complete, working example is as follows:

/// <reference types="vite/client" />

interface ImportMetaEnv {
  readonly VITE_CUSTOM_ENV_VARIABLE: string

interface ImportMeta {
  readonly env: ImportMetaEnv

Using a variable prefix other than VITE_

If you don't want to use the default variable prefix, you can change this in your Vite config:

  envPrefix: 'YOURPREFIX_',
  • 1
    Helped a lot. Came here from a project created from scratch. I was missing a types file (in this case, I created env.d.ts in the src/ directory) and it automatically picked up import.meta.env. As a cherry on top, I defined my custom vars, as you did with VITE_CUSTOM_ENV_VARIABLE
    – Mike K
    Commented Dec 14, 2022 at 12:15

If you are using SvelteKit v1.0.0-next.120 and Vite 2.4.0, env must be a property of ImportMeta in global.d.ts. Here's an example:

interface ImportMeta {
  env: {
    VITE_DATABASE_URL?: string
    VITE_WEB_URL?: string
    VITE_EMAIL_FROM?: string
    VITE_EMAIL_ADMINS?: string
    VITE_SEND_IN_BLUE_KEY?: string
    VITE_SEND_IN_BLUE_URL?: string

I faced that the example from vite's docs doesn't work if you need to import another type.

Say VITE_CUSTOM_ENV_VARIABLE is of type MyCustomType.

interface ImportMetaEnv {
  readonly VITE_CUSTOM_ENV_VARIABLE: import('./<your_path>/MyCustomType').MyCustomType

  // Optionally describe the original values from vite, needed if you remove <reference types="vite/client" /> line as I did
  readonly BASE_URL: string;
  readonly MODE: string;
  readonly DEV: boolean;
  readonly PROD: boolean;
  readonly SSR: boolean;

interface ImportMeta {
  readonly env: ImportMetaEnv

P.S. I also recommend to remove /// <reference types="vite/client" /> line, because otherwise type of VITE_CUSTOM_ENV_VARIABLE will be MyCustomType or any;


I had a similar problem trying to use environment variables using typescript with vite on React js. I solve it on the next way, into the file "vite-env.d.ts" I put the next stuff:

interface ImportMeta {
  env: {
    email: string
    password: string

The cleanest approach I found was to basically extend their class and add our keys separately:

// env.d.ts

 * Our environment variables.
 * (See https://stackoverflow.com/a/75272079/3423324)
interface ImportMetaEnvCustom extends Readonly<Record<string, string>> {
  readonly VITE_API_SERVER_HOST: string,
  readonly VITE_API_SERVER_PORT: string

interface ImportMeta extends import('vite/types/importMeta').ImportMeta {
  // additionally pull in the original values from vite, so you won't need <reference types="vite/client" /> any longer.
  readonly env: ImportMetaEnvCustom & import('vite/types/importMeta').ImportMetaEnv

In this example the VITE_API_SERVER_HOST and VITE_API_SERVER_PORT are now documented properly.

You also still get to keep the default Vite variables like BASE_URL, as well as other meta.* hints, like e.g. import.meta.glob()


For me ImportMeta and ImportMetaEnv must have that exact name to get recognized

tsconfig.json: "compilerOptions": { "types": ["./src/env.d.ts"] }

file: src/env.d.ts

interface ImportMetaEnv extends import('vite/types/importMeta').ImportMetaEnv {
    readonly VITE_API_SERVER_HOST: string,

interface ImportMeta extends import('vite/types/importMeta').ImportMeta {
    readonly env: ImportMetaEnv

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