I am building a library of components and I need some of them to have a customizable tag name. For example, sometimes what looks like a <button> is actually a <a>. So I would like to be able to use the button component like so:

<Button onClick={onClick}>Click me!</Button>
<Button as="a" href="/some-url">Click me!</Button>

Ideally, I would like the available props to be inferred based on the "as" prop:

// Throws an error because the default value of "as" is "button",
// which doesn't accept the "href" attribute.
<Button href="/some-url">Click me!<Button>

We might need to pass a custom component as well:

// Doesn't throw an error because RouterLink has a "to" prop
<Button as={RouterLink} to="/">Click me!</Button>

Here's the implementation, without TypeScript:

function Button({ as = "button", children, ...props }) {
  return React.createElement(as, props, children);

So, how can I implement a "as" prop with TypeScript while passing down the props?

Note: I am basically trying to do what styled-components does. But we are using CSS modules and SCSS so I can't afford adding styled-components. I am open to simpler alternatives, though.

  • This is like 90% there, but for some reason the overload with T extends ComponentType<any> is matching things that it shouldn't: tsplay.dev/rw2j1w You could perhaps copy some type declarations from the styled-components package. Commented Feb 4, 2021 at 22:51
  • Thanks, that's a very interesting implementation 🙏 We will have many components similar to this one so hopefully I'll find a way to make the types reusable. I will look into styled-components and other libraries' definitions. I am ok to go with a more naive approach too at this point.
    – Gabin
    Commented Feb 5, 2021 at 8:54

4 Answers 4


New answer

I recently came across Iskander Samatov's article React polymorphic components with TypeScript in which they share a more complete and simpler solution:

import * as React from "react";

interface ButtonProps<T extends React.ElementType> {
  as?: T;
  children?: React.ReactNode;

function Button<T extends React.ElementType = "button">({
  & Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T>, keyof ButtonProps<T>>
) {
  const Component = as || "button";
  return <Component {...props} />;

Typescript playground

Update 4 Apr 2024: I stumbled upon a new article: React "as" Prop Using TypeScript.

Old answer

I spent some time digging into styled-components' types declarations. I was able to extract the minimum required code, here it is:

import * as React from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

type CustomComponentProps<
  C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>,
  O extends object
> = React.ComponentPropsWithRef<
  C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any> ? C : never
> &
  O & { as?: C };

interface CustomComponent<
  C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>,
  O extends object
> {
  <AsC extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any> = C>(
    props: CustomComponentProps<AsC, O>
  ): React.ReactElement<CustomComponentProps<AsC, O>>;

const Button: CustomComponent<"button", { variant: "primary" }> = (props) => (
  <button {...props} />

<Button variant="primary">Test</Button>;
<Button variant="primary" to="/test">
<Button variant="primary" as={Link} to="/test">
<Button variant="primary" as={Link}>

TypeScript playground

I removed a lot of stuff from styled-components which is way more complex than that. For example, they have some workaround to deal with class components which I removed. So this snippet might need to be customized for advanced use cases.

  • No need for extends React.ElementType in interface ButtonProps. Use nullish: as ?? "button". No need to import React anymore. No need to specify children in the props?
    – tanguy_k
    Commented Mar 28, 2023 at 13:41
  • 1
    @tanguy_k Could you explain why "No need for extends React.ElementType in interface ButtonProps" ? Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 20:04
  • doesn't work with forwardRef
    – doğukan
    Commented Nov 3, 2023 at 11:56

Based on Gabin's answer, and with a little inspiration from the Chakra UI source code, I wrote my own generic version which allows you to use the as prop anywhere you want without repeating too much boilerplate:

import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, ElementType } from "react";

export type As = ElementType;

export type MergeWithAs<Component extends As, Props extends object = {}> = Omit<
> & { as?: Component };

export type ComponentPropsWithAs<
  Component extends As,
  Props extends object = {},
> = Omit<
  keyof MergeWithAs<Component, Props>
> &
  MergeWithAs<Component, Props>;

Here's an example of it in action:

import clsx from "clsx";

import { As, ComponentPropsWithAs } from "../types/ComponentPropsWithAs";

interface TextContainerProps {
  className?: string;

export default function TextContainer<Component extends As>({
}: ComponentPropsWithAs<Component, TextContainerProps>) {
  const Component = as ?? "div";
  return (
      className={clsx("max-w-[70ch] mx-auto px-4", className)}

I haven't been able to get it working with React.forwardRef, but y'all are welcome to try.


I found that you can make the same thing with JSX.IntrinsicElements. I have Panel element:

export type PanelAsKeys = 'div' | 'label'
export type PanelAsKey = Extract<keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements, PanelAsKeys>
export type PanelAs<T extends PanelAsKey> = JSX.IntrinsicElements[T]
export type PanelAsProps<T extends PanelAsKey> = Omit<PanelAs<T>, 'className' | 'ref'>

I omitted native types like ref and className because i have my own types for these fields

And this how props will look look like

export type PanelProps<T extends PanelAsKey = 'div'> = PanelAsProps<T> & {}

const Panel = <T extends PanelAsKey = 'div'>(props: PanelProps<T>) => {}

Then you can use React.createElement

return React.createElement(
  as || 'div',
    tabIndex: tabIndex || -1,
    onClick: handleClick,
    onFocus: handleFocus,
    onBlur: handleBlur,
    onMouseEnter: handleMouseEnter,
    onMouseLeave: handleMouseLeave,
    'data-testid': 'panel',

enter image description here

I see no ts errors in this case and have completions for label props like htmlFor


To have it work with the correct ref type and also with forwardRef, you can use this.

Type Definition

type PropsWithAs<
  Tag extends ElementType,
  Overrides = Record<string, never>,
> = Omit<ComponentProps<Tag>, keyof Overrides> &
  Overrides &
  RefAttributes<ElementRef<Tag>> & { as?: Tag };

Without forwardRef

type ComponentWithoutRefProps<Tag extends ElementType> = PropsWithAs<
  { testWithoutRef: boolean }

function ComponentWithoutRef<Tag extends ElementType = "button">(
  props: ComponentWithoutRefProps<Tag>,
) {
  return <div>test</div>;

With forwardRef

type ComponentWithRefProps<Tag extends ElementType> = PropsWithAs<
  { testRef: boolean }

const ComponentWithRef = forwardRef(function ComponentWithRef<
  Tag extends ElementType = "div",
>(props: ComponentWithRefProps<Tag>, ref: React.Ref<ElementRef<Tag>>) {
  return <div>test</div>;
}) as <TTag extends ElementType = "button">(
  props: ComponentWithRefProps<TTag>,
) => JSX.Element;

Here is the playground.

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