I'm looking at implementing a runsettings file for automated testing. Thing is, my variables are complex objects, and all I can find in the documentation about runsettings has simple key/value options, like so.

  <Parameter name="webAppUrl" value="http://localhost" />
  <Parameter name="docsUrl" value="https://learn.microsoft.com" />

I'm wondering if it's possible to specify a complex object like you might specify below (especially since TextContext.Properties returns an object, so I assume it's polymorphic in some sense?) and cast it to a given defined class

  <Parameter name="AdminUser" UserID="Admin" Password="P@55w0rd!" />
  <Parameter name="User" UserID="User" Password="P@55w0rd!" />

I realize I can do the below and manually create my object instances, but I'd really really like to avoid it if at all possible

  <Parameter name="AdminUserID" value="Admin"/>
  <Parameter name="AdminUserPW" value="P@55w0rd!" />
  <Parameter name="UserID" value="User"/>
  <Parameter name="UserPW" value="P@55w0rd!" />

1 Answer 1


As long as I know, it's impossible at the moment. However, there are two options:

  1. store your serialized data in json file(s); add a single parameter with name of the json file into your runsettings TestRunParameters section; and deserialize json

    e.g. <Parameter name="Environment" value="appsettings.Staging.json" />

    But in this case, you can consider using appsettings.json instead.

  2. if a linear class would be enough for your needs, the following method helps to avoid reading all parameters one by one. e.g.

    public class GlobalTestSettings
        public string param1;
        public int param2;
    private static void DeserializeTestRunParameters(TestContext context)
        //Get GlobalTestSettings data from {Environment}.runsettings
        var typeGlobal = typeof(GlobalTestSettings);
        foreach (var property in typeGlobal.GetProperties())
            if (property.CanWrite)
                var propertyName = property.Name;
                var propertyValue = context.Properties[propertyName];
                var propertyValueStr = propertyValue?.ToString();
                Console.WriteLine($@"Set TestRunParameter '{propertyName}' = '{propertyValueStr}'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyValueStr))
                    property.SetValue(typeGlobal, Convert.ChangeType(propertyValue, property.PropertyType), null);

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