This is an exact code snippet of value classes taken from kotlin official website.

interface I

value class Foo(val i: Int) : I

fun asInline(f: Foo) {}
fun <T> asGeneric(x: T) {}
fun asInterface(i: I) {}
fun asNullable(i: Foo?) {}

fun <T> id(x: T): T = x

fun main() {
    val f = Foo(42) 
    asInline(f)    // unboxed: used as Foo itself
    asGeneric(f)   // boxed: used as generic type T
    asInterface(f) // boxed: used as type I
    asNullable(f)  // boxed: used as Foo?, which is different from Foo
    // below, 'f' first is boxed (while being passed to 'id') and then unboxed (when returned from 'id') 
    // In the end, 'c' contains unboxed representation (just '42'), as 'f' 
    val c = id(f)  

Running this on kotlin playground is giving me these two contradicting errors:
Unresolved reference: JvmInline
Value classes without @JvmInline annotation are not supported yet

I am not knowing where I've gone wrong, I just wanted to know the type of val c at the end of this code.

  • 1
    isn;t that because inline classes are still in beta? blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2021/02/… -> You define a value class with one constructor parameter and annotate it with @JvmInline. We expect everyone to use this new syntax starting from Kotlin 1.5. The old syntax inline class will continue to work for some time.
    – Stachu
    Commented Feb 7, 2021 at 10:10

1 Answer 1


After the release of Kotlin 1.5, value classes work normally in Kotlin Playground.

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