I am trying to scrape http://www.nscb.gov.ph/ggi/database.asp, specifically all the tables you get from selecting the municipalities/provinces. I am using python with lxml.html and mechanize. my scraper works fine so far, however I get HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
when submitting the municipality[19] "Peñarrubia, Abra". I suspect this is due to the character encoding. My guess is that the ene character (n with a tilde above) causes this problem. How can I fix this?
A working example of this part of my script is shown below. As I am just starting out in python (and often use snippets I find on SO), any further comments are greatly appreciated.
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import mechanize
import lxml.html
import csv
class PrettifyHandler(mechanize.BaseHandler):
def http_response(self, request, response):
if not hasattr(response, "seek"):
response = mechanize.response_seek_wrapper(response)
# only use BeautifulSoup if response is html
if response.info().dict.has_key('content-type') and ('html' in response.info().dict['content-type']):
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.get_data())
return response
site = "http://www.nscb.gov.ph/ggi/database.asp"
output_mun = csv.writer(open(r'output-municipalities.csv','wb'))
output_prov = csv.writer(open(r'output-provinces.csv','wb'))
br = mechanize.Browser()
# gets municipality stats
response = br.open(site)
muns = br.find_control("strMunicipality2", type="select").items
# municipality #19 is not working, those before do
for pos, item in enumerate(muns[19:]):
br["strMunicipality2"] = [item.name]
print pos, item.name
response = br.submit(id="button2", type="submit")
html = response.read()
root = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
table = root.xpath('//table')[1]
data = [
[td.text_content().strip() for td in row.findall("td")]
for row in table.findall("tr")
print data, "\n"
for row in data[2:]:
if row:
output_mun.writerow([s.encode('utf8') if type(s) is unicode else s for s in row])
response = br.open(site) #go back button not working
# provinces follow here
Thank you very much!
edit: to be specific, the error occur on this line
response = br.submit(id="button2", type="submit")
mechanize will throwinsufficient items with name 'whatever_here'
. So it seems that by usingitem.name
form selection happens correctly, but then on "send" the wrong data is passed to the server. I noticed that the page you are scraping is iniso-8859-1
, notutf-8
, but chaning the encoding to latin did not work either. Curious to see if somebody will solve!br._factory.encoding = "iso-8859-1"
,br._factory._forms_factory.encoding = "iso-8859-1"
,br._factory._links_factory._encoding = "iso-8859-1"
, but it didn't work.