I am working with Spring Batch and JPA and I experienced the TransactionManager bean conflict. I found a solution by setting the TransactionManager as JpaTransactionManager in a step. But according to this link (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch/issues/961), it is not correct even though it works for me.
private JpaTransactionManager transactionManager;
private Step buildTaskletStep() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("SendCampaignStep")
.<UserAccount, UserAccount>chunk(pushServiceConfiguration.getCampaignBatchSize())
I tried the suggested solution of implementing the BatchConfigurer but it conflicts with me disabling the metadata tables using this code:
public class BatchConfiguration extends DefaultBatchConfigurer {
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
// override to do not set datasource even if a datasource exist.
// initialize will use a Map based JobRepository (instead of database)
What would be the problem using the first solution of setting the TransactionManager in a Step?