I would like to export a JupyterLab notebook (not Jupyter Notebook) to HTML.

I am using the following code inside of the notebook itself, that correctly exports the notebook:

os.popen('jupyter nbconvert current_notebook.ipynb --to html').read()

However, nbconvert is not getting current notebook but the last saved state, on disk, of the notebook.

So, I need to save the state before trying to export it.

I am trying to use the following code:


But apparently JupyterLab does not support JS API, so it is returning the following message:

Javascript Error: IPython is not defined

Do you know a way to save the current state of the notebook before exporting it?

1 Answer 1


If it's a fresh notebook and you run it from top to bottom, you can use the following command in the last cell:

import os
%notebook -e test.ipynb
os.system('jupyter nbconvert --to html test.ipynb')

It will give a test.html file.

Or, you can use javascript and HTML to emulate the CTRL + s event,

from IPython.display import display, HTML

### emulate Ctrl + s
script = """
this.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {key:'s', keyCode: 83, ctrlKey: true}));
    '<input style="width:0;height:0;border:0">'

import os

os.system('jupyter nbconvert --to html test.ipynb') # here, test is the name of your notebook

Now, keyCode: 83 this line can change based on your OS. If you are in windows, 83 should do, else you may have to check the keycode for 's', the easiest way I found was to go to this website http://keycode.info/ and type s.

ref: https://unixpapa.com/js/key.html

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