I have LibNFC working from the Linux terminal recognising my ACR122U Reader, and I wanted to know if there was a method for it to work through Chrome on a Linux Desktop as it is really similar to Android Support, with all the NFC device handling done by libnfc and the browser just has to know about this library instead of every type usb or other device than can do NFC.
I have tried using the WebNFC API to connect it :
document.getElementById("scanButton").addEventListener("click", async () => {
log.innerHTML = "NFC Register started...";
try {
const ndef = new NDEFReader();
await ndef.scan();
log.innerHTML = ("> Scan started");
ndef.addEventListener("readingerror", () => {
log.innerHTML = ("Argh! Cannot read data from the NFC tag. Try another one?");
ndef.addEventListener("reading", ({ message, serialNumber }) => {
log.innerHTML = ("ID ${serialNumber} logged @" + dt.toLocaleTimeString()); });
} catch (error) {
log.innerHTML = (error);
document.getElementById("stopButton").onclick = function(){
log.innerHTML = "NFC Register stopped @ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
but I'm met with Error: NFC Permission Request denied
and the WebUSB API to connect it:
var usbd = {};
let device;
let deviceEndpoint = 0x02;
let powerUpDevice = new Uint8Array([0x62,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00, 0x00]).buffer;
let getCardUID = new Uint8Array([0xff,0xca,0x00,0x00,0x04]).buffer;
(function() {
'use strict';
usbd.authorize = function(){
navigator.usb.requestDevice({ filters: [{ vendorId: 0x072f }] })
.then(selectedDevice => {
device = selectedDevice;
return device.open()
.then(() => {
if (device.configuration === null) {
return device.selectConfiguration(1);
.then(() => device.claimInterface(0))
but I'm met with Error: ...blocked because it implements a protected interface class
i.e. not supported, so that's a no go.
Is there a way to incorporate the libusb/libnfc libraries or any other method to directly connect an NFC reader to read into a web browser/application?
webserver which your web-application can connect to to use local hardware - this is how Dell's Service Tag lookup feature works, for example.