I'm looking over the Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET and cannot find a way to create a TLS/SSL certificate on a load balancer.

In the console, I can fill out the form and click on the "Equivalent REST" to view the REST call:

POST https://www.googleapis.com/compute/beta/projects/{my-project}/global/sslCertificates
  "description": "",
  "managed": {
    "domains": [
  "name": "testing-cert",
  "type": "MANAGED"

I'm assuming I'll use a standard HttpClient to make a POST the payload to that endpoint, however, how do I go about authenticating the client?

  • 1
    Google Cloud Client Libraries don't support the Compute API at the moment - for that you'd want the "old style" REST-based package of Google.Apis.Compute.v1. No need to use a standard HTTP client.
    – Jon Skeet
    Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 15:01

1 Answer 1


From your post I understand you have two separate questions.

The first one would be how to create an SSL certificate using the API for your Load Balancer, information on how this is done can be found here and here, where you will find additional information on SSLcertificates resources. To associate your certificate to the Load Balancer you can follow these guides, depending on your needs:

For your second question about authenticating the client for API use, the following guide might prove useful to you.

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