Brookshear & Brylow's Computer Science: An Overview (12th ed.) states the following:

a process such as printing a document involves a constant two-way dialogue, known as handshaking, in which the computer and the peripheral device exchange information about the device’s status and coordinate their activities.

I'm more familiar with "handshaking" as the process of establishing a TCP connection, and "polling" as the technique of repeatedly checking the status of a hardware device.

This ScienceDirect summary complicates things further, mentioning two kinds of handshaking - hardware and software - neither of which has the meaning I'm familiar with.

So what is the exact relationship between "handshaking" and "polling"?

1 Answer 1


Handshaking is a multistage process where devices establish a connection and confirm that they are listening/talking to each other. It is a way to ensure, to a certain degree, that data will go to the right place and it will be received.

Polling, as you said, is just repeatedly checking a status of the device. As for relationship, you need to have a way to get polling data and handshaking is often a way to establish this connection

  • But those two sources don't describe it as a means of establishing a connection, but as the check itself.
    – Docom
    Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 16:07

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