Firstly, this, though similiar in Question, is not what I need as the Answer does not help me in my case.

I have my AppConfig decide the fontsize, based on device, so that very big devices, such as Tablets, get bigger Texts (by a bit). My config gets called before any Views, so I have no BuildContext while this is running. So how can I do this?

class AppConfig {
  static AppConfig _instance;

  static AppConfig instance() {
    if (_instance == null) {
      _instance = AppConfig();
    return _instance;

// config stuff for colours and themes

double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;

if (width > 500) { //arbitrary number I haven't decided yet
} else {
  • 2
    what about WidgetsBinding.instance.window?
    – pskink
    Commented Feb 19, 2021 at 12:02
  • @pskink that looks like what i'd need but - how would i use it here?
    – Maritn Ge
    Commented Feb 19, 2021 at 12:12
  • check Window class properties
    – pskink
    Commented Feb 19, 2021 at 12:34

6 Answers 6


For future reference the full solution to this:

By adding

Size size = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize;
double width = size.width;
double height = size.height;

You can, from anywhere and without BuildContext, get the Size from the device screen.

  • The windows property has been marked as deprecated, should be used the platformDispatcher property now.
    – krrskl
    Commented Jul 17 at 16:41

in this case, you should think about the devicePixelRatio;

Size size = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize;
double ratio = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.devicePixelRatio;
double width = size.width / ratio;

the "window" singleton has been deprecated as of v3.7.0-32.0.pre because "window" assumed that the app consists of a single view which is not the case anymore. You can use one of the following two options.

  • PlatformDispatcher.instance.views.first.physicalSize. or,
  • PlatformDispatcher.instance.implicitView?.physicalSize (nullable)

divide the physicalSize by the devicePixelRatio (PlatformDispatcher.instance.views.first.devicePixelRatio) to get the view size.

For more info, https://docs.flutter.dev/release/breaking-changes/window-singleton


Size size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance.window).size;



window is deprecated and shouldn't be used. Instead use PlatformDispatcher.

final view = WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher.views.first;
final size = view.physicalSize;
final pixelRatio = view.devicePixelRatio;

// Size in physical pixels:
final width = size.width;
final height = size.height;

// Size in logical pixels:
final width = size.width / pixelRatio;
final height = size.height / pixelRatio;

Update for the answer marked as useful

From the flutter version v3.7.0-32.0.pre the window property has been marked as deprecated, should be used the PlatformDispatcher property now.

final view = WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher.views.first;
final size = view.physicalSize;
final width = size.width / view.devicePixelRatio;

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