Is there a way, either textual or graphical, to view the hierarchy of dependencies between NuGet packages?


13 Answers 13


If you're using the new .csproj, you could get all dependencies with reference in here (after project built):


enter image description here

  • 1
    simplest and to the point solution, cheers.
    – Pellet
    Commented Dec 19, 2020 at 7:28
  • 9
    I think this works in any csproj that uses the <PackageReference> format instead of a packages.config file. I have a legacy app with an oldschool csproj, modified to use PackageReference and this file exists in my obj folder. Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 12:05

Like @neil-barnwell solution, but works with NuGet.Core 2.7+

Install-Package NuGet.Core

Here is the code

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.IO;
using NuGet;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var frameworkName = new FrameworkName(".NETFramework, Version=4.0");

        // var packageSource = "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/";
        var packageSource = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LocalAppData"), "NuGet", "Cache");

        var repository = PackageRepositoryFactory.Default.CreateRepository(packageSource);
        const bool prerelease = false;

        var packages = repository.GetPackages()
            .Where(p => prerelease ? p.IsAbsoluteLatestVersion : p.IsLatestVersion)
            .Where(p => VersionUtility.IsCompatible(frameworkName, p.GetSupportedFrameworks()));

        foreach (IPackage package in packages)
            GetValue(repository, frameworkName, package, prerelease, 0);

        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter...");

    private static void GetValue(IPackageRepository repository, FrameworkName frameworkName, IPackage package, bool prerelease, int level)

        Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", new string(' ', level * 3), package);
        foreach (PackageDependency dependency in package.GetCompatiblePackageDependencies(frameworkName))
            IPackage subPackage = repository.ResolveDependency(dependency, prerelease, true);
            GetValue(repository, frameworkName, subPackage, prerelease, level + 1);
  • It is throwing Could not load type 'System.Windows.IWeakEventListener error
    – Amal Ps
    Commented Sep 5, 2022 at 6:56

It is also possible to write code against the API in NuGet.Core. Install it via NuGet:

install-package nuget.core

Then you can get a repository object and walk the graph. Here's a sample app I just built:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NuGet;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
    class Program
        static void Main()
            var repo = new LocalPackageRepository(@"C:\Code\Common\Group\Business-Logic\packages");
            IQueryable<IPackage> packages = repo.GetPackages();
            OutputGraph(repo, packages, 0);

        static void OutputGraph(LocalPackageRepository repository, IEnumerable<IPackage> packages, int depth)
            foreach (IPackage package in packages)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}{1} v{2}", new string(' ', depth), package.Id, package.Version);

                IList<IPackage> dependentPackages = new List<IPackage>();
                foreach (var dependency in package.Dependencies)
                    dependentPackages.Add(repository.FindPackage(dependency.Id, dependency.VersionSpec.ToString()));

                OutputGraph(repository, dependentPackages, depth += 3);

In my case, this app outputs something like this:

MyCompany.Castle v1.1.0.3
   Castle.Windsor v2.5.3
      Castle.Core v2.5.2
      MyCompany.Common v1.1.0.6
         CommonServiceLocator v1.0
            MyCompany.Enum v1.1.0.7
   MyCompany.Common v1.1.0.6
      CommonServiceLocator v1.0
         MyCompany.Enum v1.1.0.7
      MyCompany.Enum v1.1.0.7
         MyCompany.Versioning v1.3
            Castle.Core v2.5.2
               Castle.Windsor v2.5.3
                  Castle.Core v2.5.2
                  CommonServiceLocator v1.0
                     NUnit v2.5.10.11092
                        RhinoMocks v3.6
  • 2
    There's a ResolveDependency extension method in NuGet that you can use.
    – davidfowl
    Commented Jul 19, 2011 at 9:17
  • 7
    depth += 3 is probably a bug, change to depth + 3. You can then see all packages on the left and only dependencies of that packages are indented Commented Sep 26, 2013 at 16:59
  • 5
    I tried to update this to the latest version of NuGet, but my edit was rejected. Change foreach dependency to package.DependencySets and add another foreach loop get the dependency. Commented Sep 26, 2013 at 17:08
  • 1
    Make sure you run this in a .Net Framework console app and not a .Net Core app. The core version will not have access to all the framework dependencies and will blow up on the call to FindPackages
    – Adrian
    Commented Feb 2, 2021 at 21:51
  • 1
    Also the Nuget.Core package should be 1.5.x or lower. With higher versions the code won't compile.
    – robbie fan
    Commented May 17, 2022 at 7:43

I've found a nice NPM package to print the dependency tree into console. Of course if you don't mind using/installing NPM/Node.JS.

Considering other solutions, this is the most simple one, you don't need to write your own code or register something, and you get just such dependency tree as you expect. But it works only with packages.config format.

I can't believe this functionality is absent in free Visual Studio editions or nuget.exe too.

  • 5
    This works great (for packages.config format) and should have more votes! Note that the version numbers shown for dependencies are not the minimum required version (or range) but the actual version installed. (It would be nice to know which packages depend on very old versions of dependencies, because there might be breaking changes in the currently installed version.)
    – YipYip
    Commented Mar 24, 2018 at 0:12
  • The other answers provided did not work for my Xamarin Visual Studio solution but this one does because it only looks at packages.config. Thank you
    – stepheaw
    Commented Jul 25, 2018 at 16:02
  • Can confirm it after several hours of trial an error - THIS ANSWER WORKS. Thanks
    – Kraego
    Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 20:44

I Can Has .NET Core (GitHub repository) produces nice graphs of NuGet dependencies along with a Graphviz representation. And as its name implies, you also get .NET Core compatibility information for free.

If you prefer to run it locally on your computer, I Can Has .NET Core also offers a console mode.

NuGet dependencies graph sample (web)

NuGet dependencies graph sample (Graphviz)


I add a compatible solution with the latest version of nuget-core

install-package nuget.core

This is the console App to get the dependencies graph

    class Program
        static void Main()
            Console.Write("Enter the local repo folder: ");
            var repoFolder = Console.ReadLine();
            var repo = new LocalPackageRepository(repoFolder);
            IQueryable<IPackage> packages = repo.GetPackages();
            OutputGraph(repo, packages, 0);

        static void OutputGraph(LocalPackageRepository repository, IEnumerable<IPackage> packages, int depth)
            foreach (IPackage package in packages)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}{1} v{2}", new string(' ', depth), package.Id, package.Version);

                IList<IPackage> dependentPackages = new List<IPackage>();
                foreach (var dependencySet in package.DependencySets)
                    foreach (var dependency in dependencySet.Dependencies)
                        var dependentPackage = repository.FindPackage(dependency.Id, dependency.VersionSpec, true, true);
                        if (dependentPackage != null)

                OutputGraph(repository, dependentPackages, depth + 3);

Since this is an old question, it is important to note the following:

This is a built-in feature in the new csproj format. In Visual Studio 2017 and up, open the Solution Explorer and you can find you packages like:

{Your project}->Dependencies->Packages

You can open each NuGet dependency tree and run with it recursively, effectively seeing not only the dependency tree for specific packages, but also which NuGet packages your project actually installs.

  • 5
    Where exactly do you see "Dependencies"? I don't see it anywhere in the Solution Explorer. Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 15:51
  • 5
    If you're working on a .Net Standard or .Net Core project then you can see it by opening each project's tree. But if you're working on a .Net Framework project then you should use one of the other responses. Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 18:59
  • 3
    Anyone that knows if this is going to make it into the Solution Explorer for those of us who use .Net Frameweork? Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 13:04
  • 1
    This even works with Solution Explorer search (at least in VS 2019), super useful to quickly trace the dependency chain leading to a certain package. Commented Mar 25, 2021 at 17:29
  • There is a downside to this answer: In Solution Explorer the version number that is shown behind each dependency is not the version number needed by this special dependency, but the highest version that is required over all dependencies. If you need to find out exactly which Nuget packages pushes a required version number up, you will have to resort to the answer of @JohnJang (look into \obj\project.assets.json).
    – Jpsy
    Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 16:19

Package Visualized from NuGet 1.4 should work. See http://docs.nuget.org/docs/release-notes/nuget-1.4

  • 6
    Ahh that is helpful, but unfortunately I only have VS Pro, and the tools used for that are only in Ultimate. :( Commented Jul 11, 2011 at 17:14
  • Its unfortunate that is not included in pro version. IMHO considering NuGet is available even in express versions, all its features should be available even in express versions. Package graph information is very helpful sometime. Commented May 13, 2014 at 12:27

Another option you have is to use the nuget-deps-tree npm package. It supports both the packages.config format and the newer assets format used by .NET projects.

  • Unfortunately, the output of nuget-deps-tree is almost useless for casual viewing of a dependency tree, but it is the only solution I've seen that actually works.
    – EKW
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 20:48

If you need more than 1 depth of dependencies and more detailed information about your packages, you can also check the below file in your project:

{project directory}\bin\Debug\net8.0\<project name>.deps.json

enter image description here


FYI, MyGet.org has this kind of visualization built-in. You can view dependency graphs on the Feed Details page.


https://github.com/mikehadlow/AsmSpy using this to identify assembly version across a project


.NET has a built-in feature now:

dotnet list package --include-transitive

which can print an output as follows:

Project 'Maui.Controls.Sample.Sandbox' has the following package references
   Top-level Package                               Requested   Resolved
   > Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection      8.0.0       8.0.0

   Transitive Package                                           Resolved
   > libsodium                                                  1.0.19
   > LZMA-SDK                                                   22.1.1
   > Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization                         8.0.0
   > Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components                            8.0.0
   > Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Analyzers                  8.0.0
   > Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms                      8.0.0

so unfortunately, it's not really hierarchical but it gives the dependencies.

For a better dependency hierarchy which does rely on external tools, one can enable generating of JSON lock files (packages.lock.json files) in her C# project using


then run dotnet restore and check contents of your packages.lock.json file:

  "version": 1,
  "dependencies": {
    "net8.0-windows10.0.19041": {
      "Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection": {
        "type": "Direct",
        "requested": "[8.0.0, )",
        "resolved": "8.0.0",
        "contentHash": "V8S3bsm50ig6JSyrbcJJ8bW2b9QLGouz+G1miK3UTaOWmMtFwNNNzUf4AleyDWUmTrWMLNnFSLEQtxmxgNQnNQ==",
        "dependencies": {
          "Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions": "8.0.0"
      "libsodium": {
        "type": "Transitive",
        "resolved": "1.0.19",
        "contentHash": "tupm/HViwBN6Knd/gckR+cLaJGR39GLmiU4iDMM5hp/1BoczMr8fwJhSU+3/C2V4hi9nBK/4FICRKtTLU30TCA=="
      "LZMA-SDK": {
        "type": "Transitive",
        "resolved": "22.1.1",
        "contentHash": "lxG8/H53OCqebnDFlTStwzbgtmUN/DqnXN8kffa/ctHcSEHhIPDyEa3jLzpZxVX5F8bmJgvb1mna6gnhetykIw=="
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization": {
        "type": "Transitive",
        "resolved": "8.0.0",
        "contentHash": "OGIGJMnlWvQgcweHcv1Mq/P24Zx/brUHeEdD05NzqkSXmQSnFomTvVyCuBtCXT4JPfv2m70y1RSocmd9bIbJRg==",
        "dependencies": {
          "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Metadata": "8.0.0",
          "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions": "8.0.0",
          "Microsoft.Extensions.Options": "8.0.0"

https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/6188 is unfortunately still open.

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