I can show the history that changed files at specify hash using Github or Git Tools(SourceTree, SmartGit).

How can I show the history that changed files at specify hash using Git command?


  • 2
    git show <hash>
    – joanis
    Mar 10, 2021 at 19:19

1 Answer 1


You can show the commit SHAs which have affected a given file with git-log and show those changes with git-show as @joanis suggests:

git log <path>

git show <hash> <path>

You may also show this output using git-diff. This might be more helpful if you would like to see the changes on a file over multiple commits rather than a single one at the cost of being more verbose:

# changes made by the commit
git diff <hash>~ <hash> <path>

# changes made by the commit and the previous one
git diff <hash>~2 <hash> <path>

See this question for more info about referencing previous commits

  • 1
    git show is basically an alias for git log -1 --patch, the shortest rendition for a single commit would be git log -1 -m -p -- path, with -m to get the patch even for merges.
    – jthill
    Mar 10, 2021 at 20:10

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