IMHO (and direct experience) a well structured SW will work forever.
Obviously there are some particular cases, like uninterruptible connections, which may suffer a lot once SW falls asleep, but still if the code is not prepared to handle the specific behaviour.
It seems like a battle against windmills, punctually after 30 seconds SW stops doing anything, falls asleep, several events are not honored anymore and the problems start... if our SW has nothing else pressing to think about.
From "The art of War" (Sun Tzu): if you can't fight it, make friends with it.
so... ok, lets try to give something consistent to think about from time to time to our SW and put a "patch" (because this IS A PATCH!) to this issue.
Obviously I don't assure this solution will work for all of you, but it worked for me in the past, before I decided to review the whole logic and code of my SW.
So I decided to share it for your own tests.
- This doesn't require any special permission in manifest V3.
- Remember to call the StayAlive() function below at SW start.
- To perform reliable tests remember to not open any DevTools page. Use chrome://serviceworker-internals instead and find the log (Scope) of your extension ID.
Since the logic of the code may not be clear to some, I will try to explain it to dispel doubts:
Any extension's SW can attempt to make a connection and send messages through a named port and, if something fails, generate an error.
The code below connects to a named port and tries to send a message through it to a nonexistent listener (so it will generate errors).
While doing this, SW is active and running (it has something to do, that is, it has to send a message through a port).
Because noone is listening, it generates a (catched and logged) error (in onDisconnect) and terminates (normal behaviour happening in whatever code).
But after 25 secs it does the same iter from start, thus keeping SW active forever.
It works fine. It is a simple trick to keep the service worker active.
// Forcing service worker to stay alive by sending a "ping" to a port where noone is listening
// Essentially it prevents SW to fall asleep after the first 30 secs of work.
const INTERNAL_STAYALIVE_PORT = "Whatever_Port_Name_You_Want"
var alivePort = null;
async function StayAlive() {
var lastCall =;
var wakeup = setInterval( () => {
const now =;
const age = now - lastCall;
console.log(`(DEBUG StayAlive) ----------------------- time elapsed: ${age}`)
if (alivePort == null) {
alivePort = chrome.runtime.connect({name:INTERNAL_STAYALIVE_PORT})
alivePort.onDisconnect.addListener( (p) => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError){
console.log(`(DEBUG StayAlive) Disconnected due to an error: ${chrome.runtime.lastError.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`(DEBUG StayAlive): port disconnected`);
alivePort = null;
if (alivePort) {
alivePort.postMessage({content: "ping"});
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.log(`(DEBUG StayAlive): postMessage error: ${chrome.runtime.lastError.message}`)
} else {
console.log(`(DEBUG StayAlive): "ping" sent through ${} port`)
//lastCall =;
}, 25000);
Hoping this will help someone.
Anyway, I still recommend, where possible, to review the logic and the code of your SW, because, as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, any well structured SW will work perfectly in MV3 even without tricks like this one.
EDIT (jan 17, 2023)
when you think you've hit bottom, watch out for the trapdoor that might suddenly open under your feet.
Sun Tzu
This revision of the StayAlive() function above still keeps the service worker active, but avoids calling the function every 25 seconds, so as not to burden it with unnecessary work.
In practice, it appears that by running the Highlander() function below at predefined intervals, the service worker will still live forever.
How it works
The first call of Highlander() is executed before the expiration of the fateful 30 seconds (here it is executed after 4 seconds from the start of the service worker).
Subsequent calls are performed before the expiration of the fateful 5 minutes (here they are executed every 270 seconds).
The service worker, in this way, will never go to sleep and will always respond to all events.
It thus appears that, per Chromium design, after the first Highlander() call within the first 30 seconds, the internal logic that manages the life of the (MV3) service worker extends the period of full activity until the next 5 minutes.
This is really really hilarious...
anyway... this is the ServiceWorker.js I used for my tests.
// -----------------
// -----------------
const INTERNAL_STAYALIVE_PORT = "CT_Internal_port_alive"
var alivePort = null;
const SECONDS = 1000;
var lastCall =;
var isFirstStart = true;
var timer = 4*SECONDS;
// -------------------------------------------------------
var wakeup = setInterval(Highlander, timer);
// -------------------------------------------------------
async function Highlander() {
const now =;
const age = now - lastCall;
console.log(`(DEBUG Highlander) ------------- time elapsed from first start: ${convertNoDate(age)}`)
if (alivePort == null) {
alivePort = chrome.runtime.connect({name:INTERNAL_STAYALIVE_PORT})
alivePort.onDisconnect.addListener( (p) => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError){
console.log(`(DEBUG Highlander) Expected disconnect (on error). SW should be still running.`);
} else {
console.log(`(DEBUG Highlander): port disconnected`);
alivePort = null;
if (alivePort) {
alivePort.postMessage({content: "ping"});
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.log(`(DEBUG Highlander): postMessage error: ${chrome.runtime.lastError.message}`)
} else {
console.log(`(DEBUG Highlander): "ping" sent through ${} port`)
//lastCall =;
if (isFirstStart) {
isFirstStart = false;
timer = 270*SECONDS;
wakeup = setInterval(Highlander, timer);
function convertNoDate(long) {
var dt = new Date(long).toISOString()
return dt.slice(-13, -5) // HH:MM:SS only
EDIT (jan 20, 2023):
On Github, I created a repository for a practical example of how to properly use the Highlander function in a real world extension. For the implementation of this repo, I also took into account wOxxOm's comments to my post (many thanks to him).
Still on Github, I created another repository to demonstrate in another real world extension how a service worker can immediately start by itself (put itself in RUNNING status), without the aid of external content scripts, and how it can live on forever using the usual Highlander function.
This repository includes a local WebSocket Echo Test server used by the extension in its client communication sample and useful to externally debug the extension when the extension's host browser has been closed. That's right, because, depending on the type of configuration applied, when the host browser is closed Highlander-DNA can either shut down with the browser or continue to live forever, with all functionality connected and managed (e.g. the included WebSocket client/server communications test sample).
EDIT (jan 22, 2023)
I tested memory and CPU consumption while a Service Worker is always in RUNNING state due to the use of Highlander. The consumption to keep it running all the time is practically ZERO. I really don't understand why the Chromium team is persisting in wanting to unnecessarily complicate everyone's life.
EDIT (june 6, 2024)
I just created a repo on Github with code for Highlander working on Chromium/Firefox/Safari (MacOS & iOS) browsers. For MacOS and iOS, Highlander has been successfully tested using the latest versions of Safari (17.5.1) where the Service Worker shutdown has become even more aggressive.