I am new to NativeScript. I am trying to place a icon inside the textbox but it is not working. Please Help me out.

Expected O/P

Actual O/P


            <GridLayout columns="*, *" rows="auto">
            <TextField row="0" col="0" hint="Height">
             <Image src="../../abc.png">
            <TextField row="0" col="1" hint="Weight">
            <Image src="../../cde.png">

I am getting the textbox without icon. Please get me out

1 Answer 1


A TextField doesn't accept images inside it. One way to do it is to wrap your TextField inside a GridLayout and add the icon inside the GridLayout instead.

The first TextField would be

<GridLayout rows="auto" columns="auto, *">
  <Image row="0" col="0" src="../../abc.png"></Image>
  <TextField row="0" col="1" hint="Height"></TextField>

So both Textfields together would look like this:

<GridLayout columns="*, *" rows="auto">

  <!-- first textfield -->
  <GridLayout row="0" col="0" rows="auto" columns="auto, *">
    <Image row="0" col="0" src="../../abc.png"></Image>
    <TextField row="0" col="1" hint="Height"></TextField>

  <!-- second textfield -->
  <GridLayout row="0" col="1" rows="auto" columns="auto, *">
    <Image row="0" col="0" src="../../cde.png"></Image>
    <TextField row="0" col="1" hint="Height"></TextField>

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