I'm trying to use the REST APIs to delete Assets in Purview but I keep this error: "error_description": "AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret is provided.\r\nTrace ID:

I have an App Registration that is assigned both the Owner and Purview Data Curator of my Purview Account.

When I enter the values of the App Registration along with it's client secrets (screenshot 1) into Postman I get an invalid client error (screenshot 2)

Screenshot 1 enter image description here

Screenshot 2 enter image description here

Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance?

  • 1
    You don't use the secret ID, lol. You use the secret value, that thing that starts with TPD... and is hidden
    – Hong Ooi
    Mar 19, 2021 at 18:30

1 Answer 1


Yes, indeed. It was the Secret Value.

Glad this was such a simple fix!

enter image description here

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