To show why I believe this is correct, I'll summarize here my reasoning. Please point out anything that I might have missed.
I will try to show that:
- All valid encodings are accepted (easier).
- All invalid encodings are rejected (trickier).
This is the code for reference:
1: if (c <= 0x7F) return 1;
2: if (0xC080 == c) return 1; // Accept 0xC080 as representation for '\0'
3: if (0xC280 <= c && c <= 0xDFBF) return ((c & 0xE0C0) == 0xC080);
4: if (0xEDA080 <= c && c <= 0xEDBFBF) return 0; // Reject UTF-16 surrogates
5: if (0xE0A080 <= c && c <= 0xEFBFBF) return ((c & 0xF0C0C0) == 0xE08080);
6: if (0xF0908080 <= c && c <= 0xF48FBFBF) return ((c & 0xF8C0C0C0) == 0xF0808080);
7: return 0;
1) All valid encodings are accepted
Breaking down by the number of encoding bytes, I'll show that the valid encodings
for the range U+000000 - U+10FFFF are accepted.
1a) 1-byte (U+0000 - U+007F)
Valid ASCII encoding (ranging from 0x00 to 0x7F) are accepted by line 1.
1b) 2-bytes (U+0080 - U+07FF)
Correct encodings for U+0080 is 0xC280, for U+07FF is 0xDFBF all the in-between codepoints are within this range
due the UTF-8 encoding properties.
This is checked in line 3.
A valid encoding in this range must be in the form 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
meaning that masking the x
bits we must have:
110xxxxx 10xxxxxx &
11100000 11000000 <-- 0xE0C0
-------- --------
11000000 10000000 <-- 0xC080
Hence, all valid 2-bytes encoding are accepted by line 3.
Line 2 manages the special case for Modified UTF-8 that encodes U+0000 as 0xC080
(see ).
1c) 3-bytes (U+0800 - U+FFFF)
Correct encodings for U+0800 is 0xE0A080, for U+FFFF is 0xEFBFBF all the in-between codepoints are within this range
due the UTF-8 encoding properties.
This is checked in line 3.
A valid encoding in this range must be in the form 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
meaning that masking the x
bits we must have:
1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx &
11110000 11000000 11000000 <-- 0xF0C0C0
-------- -------- --------
11100000 10000000 10000000 <-- 0xE08080
Hence, all valid 3-bytes encoding are accepted by line 5.
1d) 4-bytes (U+010000 - U+10FFFF)
Correct encodings for U+010000 is 0xF0908080, for U+10FFFF is 0xF48FBFBF all the in-between codepoints are within this range
due the UTF-8 encoding properties.
This is checked in line 3.
A valid encoding in this range must be in the form 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
meaning that masking the x
bits we must have:
11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx &
11111000 11000000 11000000 11000000 <-- 0xF8C0C0C0
-------- -------- -------- --------
11110000 10000000 10000000 10000000 <-- 0xF0808080
Hence, all valid 4-bytes encoding are accepted by line 6.
2) All invalid encodings are rejected
This is more tricky. I'll break them down by types of invalidity.
2a) Non ASCII single byte value (0x80 - 0xFF)
This includes:
- possible stray continuation byte (0x80-0xBF)
- invalid start byte (0xC0-0xC1, 0xF5-0xFF)
- valid starting byte (0xC2-0xF4) not followed by a continuation byte
None of this values are in the range accepted by the lines 1-6, then line 7 will reject them.
2b) Missing continuation bytes
The case for having no continuation bytes at all is covered in 2a
If a supposedly 3-byte encoding is missing one, it means that the candidate codepoint
is in the range 0xE000-0xEFFF which is not accepted by any of the line 1-6 and, hence, is rejected.
If a supposedly 4-byte encoding is missing two, it means that the candidate codepoint
is in the range 0xF000-0xFFFF which is not accepted by any of the line 1-6 and, hence, is rejected.
If a supposedly 4-byte encoding is missing one, it means that the candidate codepoint
is in the range 0xF00000-0xFFFFFF which is not accepted by any of the line 1-6 and, hence, is rejected.
2c) Invalid "continuation" byte
If one of the continuation byte is outside the valid range (0x80-0xBF) it wil be rejected by the masking
operation in lines 3,5 and 6.
For example for 0xC26A (which is in the range accepted by line 3) the value 0x6A is invalid.
In fact it will be rejected because:
11000010 01101010 & <-- 0xC26A
11100000 11000000 <-- 0xE0C0
-------- --------
11000000 01000000 <-- 0xC040 (expected 0xC080)
Similarly for 0xE3DE82 (which is in the range accepted by line 5) the value 0xDE is invalid.
In fact it will be rejected because:
11100011 11011110 10000010 & <-- 0xE3DE82
11110000 11000000 11000000 <-- 0xF0C0C0
-------- -------- --------
11100000 11000000 10000000 <-- 0xE0C080 (expected 0xE08080)
Any value outside 0x80-0xBF when masked with 0xC0 will result in a value different from 0x80 and it will be rejected.
2d) UTF-16 surrogates
Their encodings are explicitly rejected by line 4.
2e) Overlong encodings
To create an overlong (invalid) encoding, the codepoint is extended to the left with 0s and then the encoding
for the corresponding number of bits is used.
For example, let's say we want to create a 2-bytes encoding for 'A' (U+41).
We consider the codepoint to be on 11 bits (below named abcdefhijk from the least to the most significant one) and use the
encoding rules for 2 bytes:
|----------| 11 bits
kji hgfedcba -> 110kjihg 10fedcba
000 01000001 -> 11000001 10000001 (U+41 -> 0xC181)
but since the bits from k
to h
are 0, the resulting code will be always lower than 0xC280 and, hence, not in any range accepted by
lines 1-6.
As another example, let's build a 3-byte encoding for the letter 'è' (U+E8):
|--------------| 16 bits
ponmlkj hgfedcba -> 1110ponm 10lkjihg 10fedcba
0000000 11101000 -> 11100000 10000011 10101000 (U+E8 -> 0xE083A4)
Which has the bits from p
to l
equal to 0 and, hence, is outside the accepeted range (it is lower than E0A080, the minimun 3-byte encoding).
In other words: any overlong encoding is rejected as it would be lower than the minimun encoding values accepted by
lines 1-6.
2f) Codepoints above U+10FFFF
Their encoding will be greater than 0xF48FBFBF and, hence, not in the range of any accepted value.
if (0xC080 == c) return 1; // Accept 0xC080 as representation for '\0'
— that's an invalid UTF-8 encoding of'\0'
and has no place in a function that's supposed to stringently check for validity.