I'm new to optimization in C++. I have read that stack allocated memory can be much faster than heap allocated memory.

I also have read that std::array is stack allocated, but most other containers, like std::vector or dynamic arrays are heap allocated. I'd like to define a class which essentially just stores an array of doubles. I intend for all instances of the class to have the same dimension, and that I can calculate what that dimension will be at compile time. The catch is that I would like to do the computation of that dimension in main.cpp instead of in the class.cpp. That means trying something like the following:

extern constexpr dimension;


class Coordinates {
    public std::array<double, dimension> q{}; 

and then

#include "class.h"
constexpr dimension = 2*3*100

Now, extern constexpr dimension is nonsense as the translation unit will not know what the value of dimension is at compile time.

Is there a way to have a stack-allocated array type object with dimension defined in another translation unit? Would it even be worth it?

  • How about vector with stack allocator? Using alloca()? Mar 26, 2021 at 18:47
  • Best thing I can think of is main allocates the array, since only it knows the size, and provides it to the object on construction. I think you're stuck on this one. Mar 26, 2021 at 18:48
  • I strongly doubt std::array is stack allocated because you would have to somehow pass the result of alloca() to the std::array<> object. Where did you hear such information? That being said you can stack allocate almost anything with the correct in-place constructor and alloca(). STL doesn't support stack allocation because it is a very dangerous practice.
    – David Bien
    Mar 26, 2021 at 18:50
  • 1
    std::array can be allocated anywhere. Could be stack, could be static storage, could be dynamic storage (new std::array<>)
    – SergeyA
    Mar 26, 2021 at 18:53
  • 1
    "I intend for all instances of the class to have the same dimension" then use template<int dimension> class Coordinates{} Mar 26, 2021 at 18:54

1 Answer 1


You are asking for a template:

template<int dimension>
struct Coordinates {
    std::array<double, dimension> q{}; 


int main()
    constexpr auto dimension = 2*3*100;
    Coordinates<dimension> c;
    c.q[0] = 1;
    c.q[1] = 2;
    // ...


  • This does exactly what I was asking for! I didn't realize that templates can be non-type variables. This advantage (static allocation instead of dynamic) is pointed out in this article on the topic: learncpp reference
    – denomme
    Mar 27, 2021 at 3:44

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