I'm building a Laravel application which has the functionality to auto-generate thumbnail images from PDF files uploaded by user.

Using spatie/pdf-to-image.

$preview_img = $pdf->setPage(1)->setOutputFormat('png')->saveImage($path.'/'.$filename);

[Error] No GS-Path set when trying to call saveImage() function.

Workaround by setting GS Path following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lhM7m_oHj4&ab_channel=Engineer%27sCommunityGuide

Ghostscript::setGsPath("C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.52\bin\gswin64c.exe");

However, how do I ensure that Ghostscript still works across different environments (especially production) without having to download the GS files seperately for different environments?

  • Did you find a solution?
    – Quatsch
    Aug 4, 2021 at 15:41


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