I have a list of words and I'm trying to turn plural words in singular in python, then I remove the duplicates. This is how I do it :

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('fr_core_news_md')

words = ['animaux', 'poule', 'adresse', 'animal', 'janvier', 'poules']
clean_words = []

for word in words:
    doc = nlp(word)
for token in doc:
clean_words = list(set(clean_words))

This is the output :

['animal', 'janvier', 'poule', 'adresse']

It works well, but my problem is that 'fr_core_news_md' takes a little too long to load so I was wondering if there was another way to do this ?

1 Answer 1


The task you trying to do is called lemmatization and it does more than just converting plural to singular, it removes its flexions. It returns the canonical version of a word, the infinitive form of a verb for example.

If you want to use spacy you can make it load quicker by using the disable parameter. For example spacy.load('fr_core_news_md', disable=['parser', 'textcat', 'ner', 'tagger']).

Alternatively, you use treetagger which is kinda hard to install but works great. Or the FrenchLefffLemmatizer.

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