
I would like to calculate the min-height of an element doing somening like that:

min-height: calc(50vh - height-of-other-element);

where height-of-other-element is height of a element that can be rendered or not using angular *ngIf.

How can I solve this problem?


2 Answers 2


if you use a template reference and not *ngIf="condition" else [style.display]="!condition?'none':null you can use some like

<div #element [style.display]="!toogle?'none':null" >

<div [style.min-height]="'calc(50vh - '+element.getBoundingClientRect().height+'px)'" >

You can see an example in this stackblitz

NOTE: I think that you can use css flex wrapping the two divs in another one and not use "calc". If you want to know about css flex, I like this link


I suggest you use a conditional class via ngIf. Basically you can create 2 css classes, one with min-height: calc(50vh - height-of-other-element); and other only with min-height: 50vh. Then in your HTML, use something like ngClass to select the correct class for your div.

You can check this question to see some examples: Angular: conditional class with *ngClass

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