I'm pulling out a date from a file using the below code. The value looks like it is a string, but when you use the ParseExact (see code with comment) then it fails. If I create a variable of the same value and do the same ParseExact it then works. So I'm trying to debug the issue and it appears that both values are the same, but they can't be as one works while the other doesn't.

    function getDateFromFile($file) {
    $shellObject = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
    $directoryObject = $shellObject.NameSpace( $file.Directory.FullName )
    $fileObject = $directoryObject.ParseName( $file.Name )

    $property = 'Date taken'
       $index = 5;
       $directoryObject.GetDetailsOf( $directoryObject.Items, $index ) -ne $property;
       ++$index ) { }

    $value = $directoryObject.GetDetailsOf( $fileObject, $index )
    $format= "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm";

    # $value when debugging appears to be -> "20/04/2021 14:04"
    #The below fails -> Exception calling "ParseExact" with "3" argument(s): "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."
    $date01=[System.DateTime]::ParseExact($value,$format, $null)

    # The below works fine and $date02 becomes ->  20 April 2021 14:04:00
    $tmp = "20/04/2021 14:04"   
    $date02=[System.DateTime]::ParseExact($tmp,$format, $null)
    return $date1=[System.DateTime]::ParseExact($tmp,$format, $null)


I've added comments into the above snippet. So how do you debug powershell to be able to tell what's wrong (other than standard breakpoints with powershell LSE)? If you do know what's wrong, as well as pointing out how to fix it, it would be good to know how you know.

Update - This is a similar question How can I get programmatic access to the "Date taken" field of an image or video using powershell? as I had already used some of the code from an answer there. But as mentioned below in the comments and in this Q the returned string isn't usable and I needed to know how to debug it.

  • what is the type of $value? what does $value | Get-Member return? maybe you have to convert it to a string first? Apr 23, 2021 at 8:46
  • There might be a better way to achieve your overall goal, but for your specific question about the strings, you can try dumping the hex values of each character in both strings (or even just their lengths) and see how they compare - you might have a non-printing character embedded somewhere... write-host( $tmp.ToCharArray() | % { [int] $_ }) gives 50 48 47 48 52 47 50 48 50 49 32 49 52 58 48 52 on my machine - try that with $value as well and see if you get the same result.
    – mclayton
    Apr 23, 2021 at 8:54
  • Also, try write-host $value.GetType().FullName - it might be serializing to a literal string like Shell.DateValue (or whatever) when the code is running, but displaying a nicely formatted date when debugging.
    – mclayton
    Apr 23, 2021 at 8:58
  • 2
    ... "The characters that you are seeing (along with some others, such as nulls) are embedded in BSTRs to allow the calling function to correctly display the string for any locale. It includes such things as the left to right marker that you saw, so that the calling application knows that the characters must be grouped and displayed left to right. To convert from a BSTR to a different type of string, see: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235631.aspx". I can't find a simple way to convert it in PowerShell, so maybe just replace those special characters with an empty string...
    – mclayton
    Apr 23, 2021 at 9:56

1 Answer 1


Merging together the answers from the comments. @mclayton has advised how to debug the strings using the following -

write-host( $tmp.ToCharArray() | % { [int] $_ })

That enabled me to see the extra non visible chars like u8206 and u8207, which as mentioned are embedded in a BSTR.

Knowing what the extra chars are I can use an expression to pull those out from the string before passing to the ParseDate.

$formattedDateString = $value -replace '[^\p{L}\p{Nd}\:\/\ ]', ''

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