I have two lists first List<ClassOne> and second List<ClassTwo>. ClassOne has the following fields:


public class ClassOne {
    private Integer idToInsert;
    private String fieldToCompare;
    private List<AnotherClass> anotherClass;

And ClassTwo has the following fields:

public class ClassTwo {

    private Integer idToInsert;
    private String fieldToCompare;


And I have this two Lists List<ClassOne> and List<ClassTwo>. ClassTwo contains the idToInsert field, which must be inserted in ClassOne, when the fieldToCompare field is the same in both classes.

Something like


How can I do this comparing this two lists?

1 Answer 1


I will suggest to collect List<ClassTwo> into Map<String,Integer> which is Map(fieldToCompare, idToInsert) for better performance

Map<String,Integer> classTwoMap = classTwoList.stream()
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(two->two.getFieldToCompare(), two->two.getIdToInsert()));

And then now just use forEach on classListOne

classListOne.forEach(one -> one.setidToInsert(classTwoMap.getOrDefault(one.getFieldTocompare(),one.getIdToInsert())));

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