Here is one way to achieve this with a macro using ExprTools.jl:
import ExprTools
macro dec(decorator, inner_def)
inner_def = ExprTools.splitdef(inner_def)
outer_def = copy(inner_def)
fname = get(inner_def, :name, nothing)
if fname !== nothing
@assert fname isa Symbol
inner_def[:name] = Symbol(fname, :_inner)
outer_def[:body] = Expr(:call,
get(outer_def, :args, [])...,
get(outer_def, :kwargs, [])...,
return esc(ExprTools.combinedef(outer_def))
julia> _time(f) = (x...) -> (t0=time(); val=f(x...); println("took ", time()-t0, " s"); val)
_time (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @dec _time function foo(x, y)
return x + y
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(1, 2)
took 9.5367431640625e-7 s
However, at least in my experience, this comes up surprisingly rarely in idiomatic Julia programs. I would first think about whether your specific problem might be better solved just by multiple dispatch with plain higher-order functions and traits, which will usually lend itself to better composability.