I extracted video frames and mfcc from a video. I got (524, 64, 64) video frames and a shape of (80, 525) mfcc. The number of frames the data match but the dimensions are inversed. How can I make align the mfcc to be in the size (525, 80).

And by permuting the dimensions, will it distort the audio information?

  • You probably should reduce the number of MFCCs down to 40, 20 or 13 - the top MFCC values will basically just have noise in them.
    – Jon Nordby
    Apr 25, 2021 at 20:39
  • Thank you - I am new to audio processing Apr 25, 2021 at 20:43

1 Answer 1


Swapping the dimensions of a multidimensional array does not alter the values at all, only their locations.

To swap such that the time-axis is the first in your MFCC, use the .T (for transpose) numpy attribute.

mfcc_timefirst = mfcc.T

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