I found that when worker is running on the app and then force close it, after that I re-open the app, but the worker is still auto re-running from background without my control...

How can I prevent this issue? How can I cancel this worker?

val work = OneTimeWorkRequest


1 Answer 1


WorkManager is for task that needs a guarantee to be run. The behavior you are describing is as designed.

You may want to evaluate other solutions if you don't need to persist a task in this way like Kotlin's Coroutines. You can find more on the Android's background guide.

An option with WorkManager is to manually cancel your WorkRequest. Starting from your code:

val work = OneTimeWorkRequest

val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(App.instance)

You can then cancel the workrequest when you need:

// Cancel the WorkRequest

You can find additional information on WorkManager's documentation.

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