I am using alacritty and tmux together. Is it possible to make tmux run everytime when I launch alacritty?

5 Answers 5


Yes. In the shell option, you can set the program you want to run and even pass in the arguments. For example, in your alacritty.yml file, you can set this:

  program: /usr/local/bin/tmux # <- set this to the path of your tmux installation
    - new-session
    - -A
    - -D
    - -s
    - main

Every time you start alacritty, tmux will start a new session and pass the other args.


Or go the easy route and launch your terminal this way:

alacritty -e tmux

  • 2
    Cool idea, but I'm guessing many won't have a terminal open to start another terminal :) Jul 4, 2021 at 22:53
  • You don't have to. Not sure what you're talking about. Go to your keybinds and change the launch parameters. Jul 6, 2021 at 6:46
  • True, though I don't launch alacritty with a key bind. Jul 6, 2021 at 15:50

i'm using this script: https://cedaei.com/posts/ideas-from-my-dev-setup-always-tmux/ had it from https://lobste.rs/s/n5blid/ideas_from_my_development_setup_always

and use it in alacritty as:

  program: /home/user/.local/bin/tmux_chooser.sh

On the newer versions of Alacritty, which use toml. In the Alacritty config file (usually found in .config/alacritty) you can set this:

program = "tmux"

With that set, Alacritty will open with Tmux started by default.


Thanks to @jogarjia's answer i was able to create my solution. If you add these lines to your alacritty config file, Whenever you open a new alacritty window, it will try to connect a tmux session named "general", if it doesn't exist it will create it and attach to it.

  program: /usr/bin/tmux
    - new-session
    - -A
    - -s
    - general

Also please check if the tmux path is correct by:

where tmux

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