I have a struct which has a pointer to array as a member and I'd like to determine the size of this array.

#include <stdio.h>

int array[]={1,2,3,4,5};

struct myStruct {
    int *array;

struct myStruct my_struct={.array=array};

int main() {
    printf("A: %d\n",sizeof(array)/sizeof(*array)); // this works
    printf("B: %d\n",sizeof(my_struct.array)/sizeof(*my_struct.array)); // this doesn't work

This prints:

A: 5
B: 2

I expected:

A: 5
B: 5

When I use the sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a) method on the array directly it works, but it doesn't work when used on the member of myStruct. At first I thought that I can't assign a pointer to an array member like this, but indexing my_struct.array[i] returns the correct values. But as I'd like to iterate over this array, I need to know its size.

Can anybody explain to me why my attempt doesn't work and how I could implement it instead?

  • 1
    First array that you declare globally is statically allocated , thus when you call sizeof(array) it gives you the number of bytes it uses totally . The array inside your struct though isn't really an array , it's just a pointer , so sizeof(struct.array) just gives you the size of the pointer which seems to be 4 in your computer and thus 4 / 2 = 2 . Change int *array to int array[5] from inside your struct and you will see the desired results.
    – fvalasiad
    May 20, 2021 at 12:05
  • @fvalasiad hmm, I see. I actually would like to have this array to be of variable size. Is there a way around it or is it generally not possible in C++?
    – Sim Son
    May 20, 2021 at 12:12
  • Do you wish to use a dynamic array? If that's the case use std::vector. Unless you mean that you want to create a dynamic array yourself, if that's the case you should add a size_t size property inside your struct to hold the array's size and dynamically reallocate memory accordingly.
    – fvalasiad
    May 20, 2021 at 12:14
  • @fvalasiad the array won't change during runtime, but I want to have several instances of this struct, each with arrays of different size. But including the size property will work for me. Thanks for your help!
    – Sim Son
    May 20, 2021 at 12:18

1 Answer 1


As discussed here the compiler does not know that int* array points to an array of type int and as such sizeof() only returns the size of the pointer.

So either use std::vector or add a size member to your struct.

  • 2
    int* array is never an array. It’s a pointer. It points at an int. That int might be the first element in an array of int, but, as this answer suggests, it is still just a pointer. +1. May 20, 2021 at 17:53

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