I have created a react app in which there is a component which contains a table and that table consist of 25-30 columns which is not possible to show completely in a normal size screen, if i use the print button of the browser (ctrl + P)<-- shortcut key then it will not print the entire table.So that's why it is required to add button to create a pdf file of the entire table. What are the best ways to generate the pdf of for the applications which also covers large volume of data flowing to x-axis of the screen starting table

Proceeding table

React hooks is preferable because the application is full functional and ready to deploy

  • It is recommended to configure the screen to fit the print paper size, such as A4 or A3. Try deleting columns with no data or reducing padding and margin values. :)
    – JsWizard
    Jun 22, 2021 at 19:37


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