Every once in a while I want to replace all instances of values like:




i.e. do a regular expression replace of all things inside angle brackets with its lowercase equivalent.

Anyone got a nice snippet of Lisp that does this? It's safe to assume that we're dealing with just ASCII values. Bonus points for anything that is generic enough to take a full regular expression, and doesn't just handle the angle brackets example. Even more bonus points to an answer which just uses M-x query-replace-regexp.



3 Answers 3


Try M-x query-replace-regexp with "<\([^>]+\)>" as the search string and "<\,(downcase \1)>" as the replacement.

This should work for Emacs 22 and later, see this Steve Yegge blog post for more details on how Lisp expressions can be used in the replacement string.

For earlier versions of Emacs you could try something like this:

(defun tags-to-lower-case ()
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "<[^>]+>" nil t)
      (replace-match (downcase (match-string 0)) t))))
  • 11
    That's cool! I wasn't aware of \,() in Emacs regular expressions.
    – emk
    Commented Mar 24, 2009 at 11:40
  • 1
    This gets me the error "Invalid use of `\' in replacement text" Commented Mar 24, 2009 at 11:46
  • 1
    Regexp should be "<\([^>]+\)>" and the replacement doesn't work as expected if the search string matches tag in all caps. Commented Mar 24, 2009 at 12:02
  • 6
    Emacs can handle .*? as a non-greedy match.
    – ashawley
    Commented Mar 24, 2009 at 18:52
  • 1
    Re: This gets me the error "Invalid use of `\' in replacement text" - if you are editing a previous command via redo (M-x esc esc), you'll get this, because the M-x query-replace-regexp command appears to replace \,() with the actual lisp expression. If you run M-x query-replace-regexp, you can use \,() in the replacement expression.
    – Avi Tevet
    Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 17:52

I realize this question is ancient, but I just discovered how to do this in Emacs before version 22 (my version is 21.3.1) without the need for defining a custom Lisp function: use M-x query-replace-regexp-eval (mentioned at the top of this Emacs wiki page) with <\([^>]+\)> as the search string and (concat "<" (downcase \1) ">") as the replacement.

This should work with any replacement string that can be defined as a concatenation of parts, including captured groups not modified by any function. For example:

<BarFoo baz="Quux">

can have just the tag name downcased:

<barfoo baz="Quux">

by using search string <\([A-Za-z]+\)\([^>]*\)> and replacement (concat "<" (downcase \1) \2 ">") (which also works on OP's example that looks like a tag with no attributes).


When using evil, you can simply do :%s/<\([^>]+\)>/<\L\1>

\L is responsible for lowercasing all following letters, this should also work for query-replace-regexp.

I have not found documentation around Emacs for that, but it seems to match this list: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/format/perl_format.html

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