The Original Query:

7/20/2011   I
7/20/2011   O
7/19/2011   I
7/18/2011   O
7/17/2011   I

I = Check In while O = check Out

then I make a query to separate the I And O so It will return like this

    case when CHECKTYPE='I' then checktime else 0 end as 'Check in',
    case when CHECKTYPE='O' then checktime else 0 end as 'Check Out',
     and checktime BETWEEN '07/17/2011' and '07/26/2011' and EmpName = 'ASIDOY,' and BadgeNo <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'
group by 


Check IN    Check out   Status
7/17/2011   1/1/1900    I
1/1/1900    7/18/2011   O
7/19/2011   1/1/1900    I
1/1/1900    7/20/2011   O
7/20/2011   1/1/1900    I

But I have one problem the query create puts (1/1/1900) in order to fill all blanks and i want to delete it. But I dont know how to write the query for it, in order to return like this.

Check In    Check Out
7/17/2011   7/18/2011
7/19/2011   7/20/2011
7/20/2011   7/21/2011
  • post the queries that you are using, that will help people to give you solution.
    – sudmong
    Jul 22, 2011 at 6:13
  • You need to include some ddl (data definition lang) and sample data - it looks you need a self-join, but i can't say on what.
    – jmoreno
    Jul 22, 2011 at 6:22
  • Where does the magical check out time come from in the third row of your desired result? Jul 22, 2011 at 7:50

2 Answers 2


try the following query

    case when CHECKTYPE='I' then checktime end as Check in,
    case when CHECKTYPE='O' then checktime end as Check Out,

it will return NULL for empty columns

  • nope it will return NULL.. instead of 1/1/1900.. it will return NULL.. next question How to delete NULL so my query will 7/18/2011 move UP
    – mapet
    Jul 22, 2011 at 6:34

Assuming that there's always a check in before a "matching" check out, and not knowing how to deal with the missing check out for the third line of your result yet...

You need to join together the rows which you wish to contribute column values to the final output. It's going to be something like this:

     CheckInOut ci
         inner join
     CheckInOut co
             ci.checktime < co.checktime
         left join
     CheckInOut co_anti
             ci.checktime < co_anti.checktime and
             co_anti.checktime < co.checktime and
             co_anti.checktype = 'o'
    ci.checktype = 'i' and
    co.checktype = 'o' and
    co_anti.checktime is null

We're joining the table to itself 3 times in order to ensure that the row from co that matches against the row from ci is the earliest such row that could match.

I haven't included the other columns or conditions at this point, because I just wanted to focus on what's required to get the columns shown in your desired result. You can hopefully adapt the above to fit your other requirements.

  • i try this query but the checkout is correct and check_In is wrong
    – mapet
    Jul 22, 2011 at 8:52

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