I was trying to filter the crystal report by using the IN operator like what we do in SQL. In crystal report, i was trying to do it the same way as something like this ({i_NonPfcIncDetStt.TeamCode} IN ('ABC','DEF')) but it's giving me error, "The ) is mising".

Any idea how can i do this in crystal report?

3 Answers 3

({i_NonPfcIncDetStt.TeamCode} IN ['ABC','DEF']) perhaps?

Yep, use the brackets not parens.

For fancy, you can put the to-match strings in a delimited string variable, and then use SPLIT.


({i_NonPfcIncDetStt.TeamCode} in Split(@toMatchList, ","))

For extra-fancy, you can do pattern matching.


This works too:

Month({Person.Date}) IN [7,8]

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