I am having issues in loading my cogs.
I am trying to connect 'fun.py' with a class called 'Fun' to my bot or 'main.py'
Here is my code
#------importing packages
import keep_alive
import os
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import random
import redditeasy
import math
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import asyncio
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='-')
my_token = os.environ['Token']
#------Running the bot
In fun.py
#-----Importing Stuff
import keep_alive
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import redditeasy
import random
class Fun(self, bot):
def __init__(self):
self.bot = bot
async def meme(self, ctx):
post = redditeasy.AsyncSubreddit(subreddit = 'dankmemes', client_id='Id here',client_secret = 'secret here',user_agent = 'memes')
postoutput = await post.get_post()
em2 = discord.Embed(title = f'{postoutput.title}')
url = postoutput.content
em2.set_image(url = url)
await ctx.send(embed = em2)
@commands.command(aliases = ['Nmeme', 'NMEME', 'nm', 'NM', 'Nm'])
async def nmeme(self, ctx):
post = redditeasy.AsyncSubreddit(subreddit = 'narutomemes', client_id='Id here',client_secret = 'secret here',user_agent = 'memes')
postoutput = await post.get_post()
em3 = discord.Embed(title = f'{postoutput.title}')
url = postoutput.content
em3.set_image(url = url)
await ctx.send(embed = em3)
@commands.command(aliases=['8ball', '8b'])
async def _8ball(ctx,*,question,):
responses = [
'It is Certain.', 'It is decidedly so.', 'Without a doubt.',
'Yes definitely.', 'You may rely on it.', 'As I see it, yes.',
'Most likely.', 'Outlook good.', 'Yes.', 'Signs point to yes.',
'Reply hazy, try again.', 'Ask again later.',
'Better not tell you now.', 'Cannot predict now.']
await ctx.send(f'Question: {question} Answer: {random.choice(responses)}')
async def slap(ctx, slaped : discord.Member = None,):
if slaped == None:
await ctx.send('Please specify a person to slap!')
slapped = Image.open('Slap_img.jpg')
asset1 = ctx.message.author.avatar_url_as(size = 256)
data1 = BytesIO(await asset1.read())
pfp1 = Image.open(data1)
asset2 = slaped.avatar_url_as(size = 256)
data2 = BytesIO(await asset2.read())
pfp2 = Image.open(data2)
slapped.paste(pfp1, (680, 90))
slapped.paste(pfp2, (320, 234))
await ctx.send(file = discord.File('Slapped_final_img.jpg'))
@bot.command(aliases = ['prof', 'whois'])
async def profile(ctx, member : discord.Member):
topRole = member.top_role
profile_em = discord.Embed(title = 'Profile', colour = discord.Colour.green())
profile_em.add_field(name = 'Name', value = member.mention)
profile_em.add_field(name = 'ID', value = member.id)
profile_em.add_field(name = 'Top Role', value = topRole.mention)
profile_em.set_thumbnail(url = member.avatar_url)
profile_em.set_footer(icon_url = ctx.message.author.avatar_url, text = f'Requsted by {ctx.message.author}')
await ctx.send(embed = profile_em)
def setup(bot):
I am Getting the Following Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 342, in <module>
File "/opt/virtualenvs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/discord/ext/commands/bot.py", line 676, in load_extension
raise errors.ExtensionNotFound(name)
discord.ext.commands.errors.ExtensionNotFound: Extension 'Fun' could not be loaded.
Is there any way to fix this? I am new to discord.py, so please explain me a bit thouroughly.
I checked multiple IDEs, multiple Youtube Videos and some forums as well. I also looked through the Discord.py Documentation.
I just cannot seem to find a solution.
. I've explained here how extensions and cogs work