I would like to understand a bit better the behavior of rotate_map_pixel() in this particular case. Below I try to provide a minimal toy example:
map = hp.ma(hp.read_map(mapFile))
map.mask = np.logical_not(hp.read_map(maskFile))
rot = hp.Rotator(coord=['G','C'])
map = rot.rotate_map_pixel(map)
mask = hp.read_map(maskFile)
mask = rot.rotate_map_pixel(mask)
This produces a slightly different map.mask and mask. By "different", I mean
skycut = np.where(map.mask[obj_pix]==False))
skycut = np.where(mask[obj_pix]==1.)
skycut = np.where(np.isclose(mask[obj_pix],1.))
all produce different skycut. I'd guess this is due to the interpolation procedure?
If I wish to use the mask for selection purpose, what should I do?