I use the KAFKA JDBC Source connector to read from the database ClickHouse (driver - clickhouse-jdbc-0.2.4.jar) with incrementing mod. Settings:
batch.max.rows = 100
catalog.pattern = null
connection.attempts = 3
connection.backoff.ms = 10000
connection.password = [hidden]
connection.url = jdbc:clickhouse://<ip>:8123/<schema>
connection.user = user
db.timezone =
dialect.name =
incrementing.column.name = id
mode = incrementing
numeric.mapping = null
numeric.precision.mapping = false
poll.interval.ms = 5000
query =
query.suffix =
quote.sql.identifiers = never
schema.pattern = null
table.blacklist = []
table.poll.interval.ms = 60000
table.types = [TABLE]
table.whitelist = [<table_name>]
tables = [default.<schema>.<table_name>]
timestamp.column.name = []
timestamp.delay.interval.ms = 0
timestamp.initial = null
topic.prefix = staging-
validate.non.null = false
Why does the connector additionally substitute the default scheme? and how to avoid it?
Instead of a request
SELECT * FROM <schema>.<table_name> WHERE <schema>.<table_name>.id > ? ORDER BY <schema>.<table_name>.id ASC
I get an error with
SELECT * FROM default.<schema>.<table_name> WHERE default.<schema>.<table_name>.id > ? ORDER BY default.<schema>.<table_name>.id ASC