I'm trying to create a text editor with tiptap using reactjs. I would like to create a button next to each "block" of the editor (paragraph block, blockquote block, codeblock block, ...) that allows the user to add a new empty block just before the selected block. It would look like this (Notion editor) :

Add block below current demo

So the way I tried to do this is to set the cursor's position at the end of the current node :


const Paragraph = (props) => {
    // ...


    return {
        // ...
        <button onMouseDown={() => {
            // ...

            // props.getPos() gives the position at the beginning of the block
            // props.node.nodeSize gives the "length" of the node
            const endPos = props.getPos() + props.node.nodeSize;

            // ...
             Add block below

So at this point, it works. But then, when I try to insert a new node at this position...

// It will insert a paragraph node containing text "New block added"
            "text":"New block added"

... I get an error : TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null

So, to let you see this error in details, I've made a sandbox on codesandbox.io. To reproduce the error, you just have to focus on the editor, write something random and then click on + button. You should see the error.

Error when adding a new block

Edit react-passing-local-state-to-parent-component

Thanks in advance for your help !

  • Where are props.getPos and props.node defined?
    – duhaime
    Jan 22, 2022 at 23:12
  • 1
    I edited my post but you can see the full code inside the sandbox
    – pierre-lgb
    Jan 23, 2022 at 16:03

1 Answer 1


Current solution

Currently the best solution I've found :

// Last position of the current node (props are available in a react node view: https://tiptap.dev/guide/node-views/react#all-available-props)
const endPos = props.getPos() + props.node.nodeSize

// I focus the start of the editor because
// when the cursor is at the end of the node below which 
// we want to add a block, it doesn't focus the next block

    .insertContentAt(endPos, {type: "paragraph"})
  • I was able to get this work with editor.chain().focus('end').insertContent().run() so didn't need to get the endPos value.
    – sirclesam
    Aug 29, 2023 at 20:56
  • 1
    @sirclesam Your code will add content at the end of the editor, not at the end of the current node. Well it's true that I didn't mention what was endPos, I'll edit my answer to make it more clear.
    – pierre-lgb
    Aug 30, 2023 at 15:15
  • 1
    ah yes - My use case is to insert at the end of the editor. Thanks for the clairfication.
    – sirclesam
    Aug 31, 2023 at 16:38

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