I have NetCDF files (e.g https://data.ceda.ac.uk/neodc/esacci/lakes/data/lake_products/L3S/v1.0/2019 global domain), and I want to extract the data based on a shapefile boundary ( in this case a Lake here - https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/530f8a0ee4b0e7e46bd300dd) and then save clipped data as a NetCDF file but retain all the original metadata and variables names within the clipped file. This is what I have done far


#Read in the shapefile of Lake 
Lake_shape <- readOGR("C:/Users/CEDA/hydro_p_LakeA/hydro_p_A.shp")
# Reading the netcdf file using Terra Package function rast
test <- rast("ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20190705-fv1.0.nc")
# List of some of variables names for orginal dataset 
[1] "water_surface_height_above_reference_datum" "water_surface_height_uncertainty"           "lake_surface_water_extent"                 
[4] "lake_surface_water_extent_uncertainty"      "lake_surface_water_temperature"             "lswt_uncertainty"   
#Clipping data to smaller Lake domain using the crop function in Terra Package
test3 <- crop(test, Lake_shape)
#Listing the some variables names for clipped data
[1] "water_surface_height_above_reference_datum" "water_surface_height_uncertainty"           "lake_surface_water_extent"                 
[4] "lake_surface_water_extent_uncertainty"      "lake_surface_water_temperature"             "lswt_uncertainty" 

# Writing the crop dataset as netcdf or Raster Layer using the WriteCDF function 

fname <- paste0( "C:/Users/CEDA/",filepath,".nc")
rnc <- writeCDF(test3, filename =fname, overwrite=T)”

My main issue here when I read in clipped the netCDF file I don’t seem to be able to keep the names of the data variables of the original NetCDF. They are all being renamed automatically when I am saving the clipped dataset as a new netCDF using the writeCDF function.

#Reading in the new clipped file
> head(names(LakeA))
[1] "Lake_A_ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20020501-fv1.0_1" "Lake_A_ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20020501-fv1.0_2"
[3] "Lake_A_ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20020501-fv1.0_3" "Lake_A_ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20020501-fv1.0_4"
[5] "Lake_A_ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20020501-fv1.0_5" "Lake_A_ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20020501-fv1.0_6"

So is it possible to clone/copy all the metadata variables from the original NetCDF dataset when clipping to the smaller domain/shapefile in R, then saving as NetCDF? Any guidance on how to do this in R would be really appreciated. (NetCDF and R are all new to me so I am not sure what I am missing or have the in-depth knowledge to sort this).

  • 1
    try: rnc <- writeCDF(test3, filename =fname,varname=names(test3), overwrite=T) So that the layer names are assigned by the names in the SpatRaster. It should output the names you are after when reading It back in
    – Stackbeans
    Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 14:23
  • Thank you for your attention and kind response, but when I tried this I got Error: [varnames<-,SpatRaster] cannot set these names
    – BeHana
    Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 14:41
  • After downloading your data, I too seem to have the same problem. My be best for now to store the names as a 'variable', like: rast.names <- names(test3), then assign these names to the raster names(LakeA) <- rast.names. Otherwise, seems to me an issue for the author to solve.
    – Stackbeans
    Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 14:52

1 Answer 1


You have a NetCDF file with many (52) variables (sub-datasets). When you open the file with rast these become "layers". Alternatively you can open the file with sds to keep the sub-dataset structure but that does not help you here (and you would need to skip the first two, see below).

f <- "ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20190101-fv1.0.nc"
r <- rast(f)
#class       : SpatRaster 
#dimensions  : 21600, 43200, 52  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#resolution  : 0.008333333, 0.008333333  (x, y)
#extent      : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
#sources     : ESACCI-LAKES-L3S-LK_PRODUCTS-MERGED-20190101-fv1.0.nc:water_surface_height_above_reference_datum  
              ... and 49 more source(s)
#varnames    : water_surface_height_above_reference_datum (water surface height above geoid) 
              water_surface_height_uncertainty (water surface height uncertainty) 
              lake_surface_water_extent (Lake Water Extent) 
#names       : water~datum, water~ainty, lake_~xtent, lake_~ainty, lake_~ature, lswt_~ainty, ... 
#unit        :           m,           m,         km2,         km2,      Kelvin,      Kelvin, ... 
#time        : 2019-01-01 

Note that there are 52 layers and sources (sub-datasets). There are names

#[1] "water_surface_height_above_reference_datum" "water_surface_height_uncertainty"          
#[3] "lake_surface_water_extent"                  "lake_surface_water_extent_uncertainty"     
#[5] "lake_surface_water_temperature"             "lswt_uncertainty"                          

And also "longnames" (they are often much longer than the variable names, not in this case)

# [1] "water surface height above geoid" "water surface height uncertainty" "Lake Water Extent"               
# [4] "Water extent uncertainty"         "lake surface skin temperature"    "Total uncertainty"               

You can also open the file with sds, but you need to skip "lon_bounds" and "lat_bounds" variables (dimensions)

s <- sds(f, 3:52)

Now read a vector data set (shapefile in this case) and crop

lake <- vect("hydro_p_LakeErie.shp")
rc <- crop(r, lake)

#class       : SpatRaster 
#dimensions  : 182, 555, 52  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#resolution  : 0.008333333, 0.008333333  (x, y)
#extent      : -83.475, -78.85, 41.38333, 42.9  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
#source      : memory 
#names       : water~datum, water~ainty, lake_~xtent, lake_~ainty, lake_~ature, lswt_~ainty, ... 
#min values  :         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,     271.170,       0.283, ... 
#max values  :         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,     277.090,       0.622, ... 
#time        : 2019-01-01 

It can be convenient to save this to a GTiff file like this (or even better to use the filename argument in crop)

gtf <- writeRaster(rc, "test.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
#class       : SpatRaster 
#dimensions  : 182, 555, 52  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#resolution  : 0.008333333, 0.008333333  (x, y)
#extent      : -83.475, -78.85, 41.38333, 42.9  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
#source      : test.tif 
#names       : water~datum, water~ainty, lake_~xtent, lake_~ainty, lake_~ature, lswt_~ainty, ... 
#min values  :         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,     271.170,       0.283, ... 
#max values  :         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,     277.090,       0.622, ... 

What has changed is that the data are now in a file, rather then in memory. And you still have the layer (variable) names.

To write the layers as variables to a NetCDF file you need to create a SpatRasterDataset. You can do that like this:

x <- as.list(rc)
s <- sds(x)
names(s) <- names(rc)
longnames(s) <- longnames(r)
units(s) <- units(r)

Note the use of longnames(r) and units(r) (not rc). This is because r has subdatasets (and each has a longname and a unit) while rc does not.

Now use writeCDF

z <- writeCDF(s, "test.nc", overwrite=TRUE)
rc2 <- rast("test.nc")

#class       : SpatRaster 
#dimensions  : 182, 555, 52  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#resolution  : 0.008333333, 0.008333333  (x, y)
#extent      : -83.475, -78.85, 41.38333, 42.9  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
#sources     : test.nc:water_surface_height_above_reference_datum  
              ... and 49 more source(s)
#varnames    : water_surface_height_above_reference_datum (water surface height above geoid) 
              water_surface_height_uncertainty (water surface height uncertainty) 
              lake_surface_water_extent (Lake Water Extent) 
#names       : water~datum, water~ainty, lake_~xtent, lake_~ainty, lake_~ature, lswt_~ainty, ... 
#unit        :           m,           m,         km2,         km2,      Kelvin,      Kelvin, ... 
#time        : 2019-01-01 

So it looks like we have a NetCDF with the same structure.

Note that the current CRAN version of terra drops the time variable if there is only one time step. The development version (1.3-11) keeps the time dimension, even of there is only one step.

You can install the development version with install.packages('terra', repos='https://rspatial.r-universe.dev')

  • Thank you. This helps to a certain level, but the time variable is important for me as I will be doing the clipping with several hundred files at different times so I need to retain the time variables.
    – BeHana
    Commented Jul 3, 2021 at 12:00
  • You can strore the date in the filename or use the development version (see updated answer) Commented Jul 3, 2021 at 18:12
  • Thank you very much! The development version worked! Now I will extend this cropping to all my files!
    – BeHana
    Commented Jul 4, 2021 at 10:13

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