i am using this extended_Image to crop images from then Save the raw file to phone, get the raw data and push it to firebase storage. but i keep getting this error.

Unhandled Exception: 'package:extended_image_library/src/extended_image_provider.dart': Failed assertion: line 34 pos 12: 'cacheRawData': you should set [ExtendedImageProvider.cacheRawData] to true, if you want to get rawImageData from provider.

which i did not understand. here is my code

Future<void> crop([bool test = false]) async {
    final ExtendedImageEditorState state = editorKey.currentState;
    final Rect rect = state.getCropRect();
    final EditActionDetails action = state.editAction;
    final double radian = action.rotateAngle;

    final bool flipHorizontal = action.flipY;
    final bool flipVertical = action.flipX;
    final Uint8List img = state.rawImageData;

    final option = ImageEditorOption();

        FlipOption(horizontal: flipHorizontal, vertical: flipVertical));
    if (action.hasRotateAngle) {

    option.addOption(ColorOption.brightness(bright + 1));

    option.outputFormat = const OutputFormat.jpeg(100);

    print(const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(option.toJson()));

    final DateTime start = DateTime.now();
    final Uint8List result = await ImageEditor.editImage(
      image: img,
      imageEditorOption: option,

    print('result.length = ${result?.length}');

    final Duration diff = DateTime.now().difference(start);
    print('image_editor time : $diff');
    //--here is the uploading url--
    final imageUrl = await uploadingFile(uploadFile: image);
    // storing the url to console
      'picture': imageUrl,

1 Answer 1

ExtendedExactAssetImageProvider(widget.params['path'],cacheRawData: true)
  • i forgot to answer this, is already solved... anyways i will mark your answer Aug 5, 2021 at 12:11
  • Please provide the solution Apr 5, 2022 at 13:46

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